Strange thoughts could the planet jupiter be the famous hell fire Jahanama? and all the near by plan


New Member
Strange thoughts could the planet jupiter be the famous hell fire Jahanama? and all the near by planets could they be all parts of places of punishment?

and the petrolium could it be the remains of the destroyed/ ahlect people mentioned in the Quran?

Do we believe in billions of years and fossils( living organism like dinosaurs living on earth alone and dying without apparent cause)


Laa ilaha ilaa Allah
Staff member
(Astronomers believe that) In around 5 billion years the Sun will become a Red Giant, engulfing the Earth and the inner planets. The Earth will burn and be ripped apart by gravity. This is how I think of it.

And of course, Allah swt may have written it otherwise, surely only He knows.

John Smith

Junior Member
5 billion years? i dont think we have been around that long have we? i thought going back to Adam (AS) would be much much less than that.

Can someone explain?


Laa ilaha ilaa Allah
Staff member
I don't think we have. I haven't heard a date for how long ago Adam as lived, most Scientists are oddly quiet on the matter, unless we go with 6000 years ago.

The 5 billion years is into the future.


New Member
no one answered so far my questions

1. is theire any facts against jupiter being Jahanama (a'udu bilaah) and all the nearby planets other places of punishment. there any facts against Petroleum being the remains of the destroyed people mentioned in the Quran?

John Smith

Junior Member
no one answered so far my questions

1. is theire any facts against jupiter being Jahanama (a'udu bilaah) and all the nearby planets other places of punishment. there any facts against Petroleum being the remains of the destroyed people mentioned in the Quran?

Fact is we dont know! :)


Laa ilaha ilaa Allah
Staff member
I cant see us last a billion years on planet earth ,it will do our fruit & nut in,well mine deffo.
I can't see us last 6000, but I'm being optimistic

no one answered so far my questions

1. is theire any facts against jupiter being Jahanama (a'udu bilaah) and all the nearby planets other places of punishment. there any facts against Petroleum being the remains of the destroyed people mentioned in the Quran?
1 - There are no facts for or against this
2 - Scientists have a hypothesis that petroleum is the remains of forests. I know of no facts for it being the remains of a people


Rabbe Zidni Illma

For the first question. My reaction is :rolleyes::SMILY27: Only Allah(SWT) knows.

For the second question. I don't know about it being mentioned in Quran or not. But petroleum and natural gases are basically obtained from sedimentary rocks. i.e. Mostly off-shore. In the middle of an ocean/sea. And coal is usually found in land. Both are formed by anaerobic decomposition of plants, animals and humans at high temperatures and pressure. Well. That's what I learnt in school. I have no idea about how they define Fossil fuels now.

If am wrong do correct me.


Junior Member
Strange thoughts could the planet jupiter be the famous hell fire Jahanama? and all the near by planets could they be all parts of places of punishment?

and the petrolium could it be the remains of the destroyed/ ahlect people mentioned in the Quran?

Do we believe in billions of years and fossils( living organism like dinosaurs living on earth alone and dying without apparent cause)

Whats more important to know and understand is understand basic tenets of Islamic belief.

The hell fire? Jupiter has flames? Its like trying to put an age to creator, the timeless. Some school of thought in other religions put an age to creator. Its unbecoming of a believer. Resist the temptation.

It is reported that ‘Alī b. Abī Tālib – Allāh be pleased with him – said: Mention what you will of the greatness of Allāh, but Allāh is greater than anything you say. And mention what you will of the Fire, but it is more severe than anything you say. And mention what you will of Paradise, but it is better than anything you say.[ Abū Bakr Al-Daynūrī, Al-Mujālasah wa Jawāhir Al-’Ilm article 853. ]

Narrated Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet :saw: said: “By the One is Whose hand is my soul, if you had seen what I have seen, you would laugh little and weep much.” They said, “What have you seen, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “I have seen Paradise and Hell.” [Muslim]
Narrated Abu Hurayrah that Prophet:saw: said: “When Allaah created Paradise and Hell, he sent Jibreel to Paradise and said, ‘Look at it and at what I have prepared for its people therein.’ So he went and looked at it and at what Allaah had prepared for its people therein. Then he went back to Him and said, ‘By Your Glory, no one will hear of it but he will enter it.’ Then He commanded that it should be surrounded with difficult things. Then He said, ‘Go back and look at what I have prepared for its people therein.’ He went back and saw that it was surrounded with difficult things. He came back and said, ‘By Your Glory, I am afraid that no one will enter it.’ Allaah said, ‘Go and look at Hell and see what I have prepared for its people therein.’ [He saw it] with parts of it consuming other parts. He came back and said, ‘By Your Glory, no one who hears of it will enter it.’ So Allaah commanded that it should be surrounded with desires. Then he said, ‘Go back to it.’ So he went back, then he said, ‘By Your Glory, I am afraid that no one will be saved from it and that all will enter it.’” [A strong hadith from Tirmidhi]

Fossil remains, It needs careful scrutiny, resisting premature conclusions and deriving wrong conclusions from misconeptions . The earth and the universe is for humanity to examine, reflect and get closer to creator.