stuck for desert idea????????


Junior Member

ever stuck for a desert idea?heres a quick easy reciepe for not so good cooks like me.

madeira cake
single cream [2 small tubs]
can of crushed pineapple [in own juice]
flake chocolate


1: cut the cake in half, crumble one half of the cake into a dessert bowl.
2:drain the juice out of the pineapple can, pour half of the juice over the cake
3: put half of the crushed pineapple over the cake equally as possible
4:now pour one single cream tub over this layer of pineapple and cake
5:repeat the above for the second layer
6:now cover with flake chocolate crushed

you will have to make this a few hours before you are planning to serve this so the cream gets soaked into the cake and don't use double cream as its to thick.

hope you like it inshallah. :hijabi: :hijabi: :hijabi:


a lonely traveller
I love to cook....


Ingredients for Makes about 110 pieces
Medium Syrup (recipe follows)
4 cups finely chopped walnuts
1 Tbs. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1/3 cup sugar
40 filo pastry sheets (about 2 lbs.)
1-1/2 cups unsalted butter, clarified, or margarine, melted

Prepare Medium Syrup. Set aside to cool. Preheat oven to 350F (175C). Lightly butter a 13" x 9" baking pan. Set aside. In a medium bowl, combine walnuts, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, cloves and sugar. Set aside. Stack filo pastry sheets on a flat surface. Trim to fit pan. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent drying out. Layer 12 filo sheets in baking pan, brushing each sheet with clarified butter or melted margarine. Spread 1 cup nut mixture over layered filo sheets. Top with 8 more filo sheets, brushing each with butter or margarine. Spread with 1 cup nut mixture. Layer 8 more filo sheets, brushing each with butter or margarine. Spread with remaining nut mixture. Top with 12 remaining filo sheets, brushing each with butter or margarine. Brush top sheet with remaining butter or margarine. Cutting all the way through pastry, cut into 1-inch diamond shapes without removing from pan. Bake 30 minutes. Reduce heat to 200F (95C). Bake 30 minutes longer. Pour cooled syrup over warm pastry. Let stand several hours before serving.


3 cups sugar
1-1/2 cups water
2 Tbs. lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a large, heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat. Once mixture boils and sugar is dissolved, do not stir or syrup may cloud or crystallize. Cook, uncovered, over medium-low heat until a candy thermometer registers 212 to 218F (100 to 102C). At this temperature, syrup dropped from a cold metal spoon will fall in a sheet. Remove from heat. Cool. Use immediately or refrigerate in a plastic container with lid. May be refrigerated up to 1 month. Makes about 2 cups.


a lonely traveller
Banana Loaf !!!!


3 oz. butter
8 oz. self-raising flour
3 egg yolks
few drops banana essence
3 oz. soft brown sugar
1 gill milk
3 egg whites
3 large bananas

Cream the butter and sugar, beat egg yolks for 5 minutes and add to the butter mixture. Add milk and then the flour. Stir well and add the bananas, mashed and banana essence. Beat egg whites stiffly and fold in.

Bake at 350° F. - Regulo 3, for 1 hour and serve cold, sliced and spread with a little butter.


a lonely traveller
more recipes coming soon from Cook hussain.mahammed
Stay tuned..
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