Super-Speed Taraweeh


Junior Member

The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) also used to say, The worst thief among men is the one who steals from his prayer. They said, "O Messenger of Allaah, how does he steal from his prayer?" He said, He does not complete its rukoo' and sujood.


Junior Member
SubhanAllah. This is unbelievably ridiculous (and slightly funny!).

The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) also used to say, The worst thief among men is the one who steals from his prayer. They said, "O Messenger of Allaah, how does he steal from his prayer?" He said, He does not complete its rukoo' and sujood.
[Ibn Abi Shaibah (1/89/2)]


Junior Member

befor others too will put a negative comment on that let me tell you it will bring us no where....

what we can c is that there is a problem.... very often turkish imans are leading taraweeh prayer to fast. like the iman in the video... this is the first problem....

second problem are the muslims... what is there reaction to the way the iman is leading the prayer.. are they content with him....? yesterday I was for taraeeh in the mesjid (I´m turkish too, it was a turkish mesjid) and I could not pray... I did not find time to say Subhana rabbiel ala in sujud for three times.... and accept there was no otherone who was irritated by the way it was prayed... or there was others too but they prefered not to say anything Allah knows best what is in the hearts...

we now know the problem but what is the solution.... surelly not critizing some ignorant muslims infront of their back... at least in my oppinion...

I think only when knowledge is lacking such a taraweeh prayer results.... so the brothers and sisters among us who go in mesjids where the taraweeh is prayed incorrectly have to do sth... but what.... speak with the iman...? or the muslims...?

remeber we the muslims are helpers of eachother... we are one ummah... we have to wish for our brothers and sisters what is best... (in this cace: guidence) not just look upon them...

what would you guys advice me... shall I speak to the Iman directly and tell him he´s wrong or shall I talk to the women...? Or shall I just ignore it and leave the mesjid and go to another mesjid....?



Smile for Allah
First speak to the women, then together speak to the imam. And then if he doesn't listen, find another masjid?