Tears of Death


Junior Member
Tears of Death

Do you hear them, can you hear them cry?
Why do the children of Palestine have to die?
Have we all forgotten what life is all about?
We simply sit and listen as the politicians shout.

Can you hear the screams of death and dying?
Do you see the truth or know who’s lying?
Chance of peace has gone but we still don’t know.
We just wait and watch the insanity grow.

Palestine is dying, do you really care?
Or are you only thankful that you don’t live there?
Israel is laughing because they already know,
That the world won’t stop them, they just watch the show.

Darkness descends on the world with a dying heart,
Why don’t we see that we each played a part?
Palestine is calling, who will come to their side?
You must do more than feel sorry for all who have died.

Has your heart grown so cold that you can no longer see,
That each tear of death affects the world that will be.
If we don’t stop it now, then just when will it end?
Till the next country dies, or they start it again?