tell us ur story


New Member


of course all of us want to save quran
tell us ur story with quran and ur feeling and when u start
and as family how to make ur child love quran

advice other to start and how to follow not stop



Junior Member
Here we go!!!!!

I fell in love with the Qur'an- but not right away. Before- Qur'an was just something that I read sometimes. But when my family bought a English Transilation Qur'an from Saudi- I read every day! :D I read in Arabic- then I read the English to understand it. I love reading the Qur'an because it soothes me- and makes me feel happy. I love reading Qur'an in the Masjid- the Muslim aroma- it's like you can sense Allah (SW) in the Masjid- especailly when I read the Qur'an there! :D :):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D:):D


Heros of Islam


basically i started to learn how to read the Qur'an (compared to the other kids) quiet late i was about 10 - 11 years old and beleive me it was the worst way of tajweed whatsoever. SubhanAllah when i think about the way i used to read the Qur'an it kills, i used to treat it as if it was just a mere book and i am feeling the pain of neglecting it now... now that i can't recite fluently at all. Alhamdulillah i am studying arabic to understand the Qur'an and also to compensate for not being fluent i have started to memorise the Qur'an by listening to others and following them with the Qur'an. And again by the grace of Allah my tajweed to an acceptable level (i hope)

if i could advise anyone would be that
the Qur'an is jannah in this world for the beleivers, the soother of the hearts of those who want to be righteous, the guide with no imperfections. The words of Allah are powerful enough to give a blind man a clear image of this world better than those who can see and by Allah the source of strength for the mujahideen. So then how can we neglect such beauty. Those who teach Qur'an teach it properly and save yourself from being blamed on the day of reckoning and those who learn take your time and understand it, and when you stand in prayer do not just recite but have it in your head that this is Allah speaking rather then just scriptures. \beautify your recitation as much as you can and don't just scream the words of Allah likes those people on TV in the middle eastern countries, and know your voice does not beautify the words of Allah, Allahs words beautifies your voice.

and last but not least... someone give me a recording of \surah Haaqah in ther best voice


Junior Member

Hi sister muslimah_egypt, welcome to tti first. :hearts:

My experience with Quran, I remember how exited I was when first starting to read. I feel an inner peace when reading Quran. In times of sorrow I find a big comfort in reading... When I was very sad once I came by chance accros this Surah:

Have We not expanded for you your breast. And taken off from you your burden. Which pressed heavily upon your back. And exalted for you your esteem? Surely with difficulty is ease. With difficulty is surely ease. So when you are free, nominate. And make your Lord your exclusive object. (Surah 94)

It refers to the prophet s.a.w. This Surah really gave me so much power on that time.

After I stoped reading Quran, I saw in my dream the Quran was open. Exactly on the page where I have stoped....!



Slave of Allah
Like most other children in my country I was taught to read Arabic from a very young age (without understanding the meaning) and could recite the Quran.

In my early teens I was more obsessed with the pleasures of life and seldom got time to read Quran- I just read it as a formality, never understood what it meant. :(

However, once I started reading the translation of the Quran- I was stunned, I cried. So many scientific facts had been written in a Book 1500 years old! This must be from the Creator- thats the only logical explanation. Ever since, I have tried to read the Quran when possible.

I really love Surah Rahman- for truly I cannot deny any of the favours of my Lord.


Fear Allah

I started learning Quran at the age of 7 through my dad. At that time i wasnt that fluent with it so i only read like once a week or once a month Astaghfirullah!

When i was 13 i abandoned it Astaghfirullah again! I wasnt a practicing child at that time. So after awhile like a year or two i started going to classes to re-learn Quran. And Alhamdulillah now i can read it with acceptable tajweed (i hope) insya Allah.

So at the age of 19 I realised that Quran is the way of life. Everytime i read it it gives me peace and great happiness. Alhamdulillah Allah has oppened my heart and guided me.

And Masha Allah im now 20 and im doing hifz and helping my mom teach Quran!

yup so thats about it!


Miss Aaliyah

Junior Member
In the start I had to read the Quran otherwise at computer but be very careful and be ready to shut it down whenever my family came. Then when a sister sent me a Quran in Swedish I could read at night, but after everytime I had to hide it in the closet under everything so that nobody would find it... I am happy that I today am a free Muslim and can read the Quran when I feel for. But still I hide it to not make my parents upset from seeing it. When reading the Quran I feel very calm, but mostly I feel like I did the right thing when converting.


make dua 4 ma finals
my one cent

:salam2: :D:D

I hope this reaches you in the best of health/imaan:D

I have started learning the Qur'an like many people in my country at a very young age. But the problem is I dont understand Arabic. I see myself as a donkey or horse carrying something............they dont know what it's they're carrying but they carry it anyways without giving it the best value. Anyways, I only read it when I was studying my lessons, when I had to in other words. During my teen years, I have lost my contact with the Quran and the religion I guess.....I only did things because I had to. But Quran was only picked up by me when I got sick or when I heard of death :astag:

My life changed I think a year and so ago,
I have watched Videos on youtube about Islam and I became addicted with those amazing videos. Most of which were Qur'an with English translations. I was STUNNED, amaaZED, of the confort it gave to my heart. How amaazing the words of Allah and how the Qur'an is so sweet when you understand that what Allah is saying. My favorite surahs that I loved so much were: Al-haq, Qaf, Al-qiyama for those surahs are the best! subhanaAllah, as I listened to them I realized what life in this dunya is really about! they stories of the Qur'an are so beautifully and sometimes I yearn for them for they give hope to the distressed soul.
I have decided to learn the Qur'an now, and that to me is the best decion ever:D
my advice: if anybody yearns to re-connect with Allah, if anybody wants to be closer to Allah, to feel at ease. Pick up the Qur'an and read!
for the parents, teach your kids the meaning of what they're reading......memorization is NOT enough! let them learn, understand and implement the Qur'an at a young age, they'll be thankful on the day of judgement. Remember your kids are your responsibilities.............correct their ways now before it's too late.
For the teens, Music and been cool will not take you anywhere! life is too short to be wasted, believe me I have been there, done that......AND I regret every second of it!
do not waste ONE SECOND of your precious time in the things that will not benefit you......learn the words of Allah and try your best to please Him with every chance you get.