Testimony of plants and animals to the existence of Allah


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Testimony of plants and animals to the existence of Allah
The army of all the various species of animals and plants on the face of the earth
consists of four hundred thousand different groups. Their being managed and raised with
perfect balance and order through their sustenance, papers, weapons, uniforms,
instructions, and demobilizations, which are all different with nothing being forgotten
and none of them being confused, is a stamp of the Single One of Unity as brilliant as the
sun which can in no way be doubted. Who other than One possessing boundless power,
all-encompassing knowledge, and infinite wisdom could have any part in this
administration, which is wondrous to the utmost degree. For if one who cannot
administer and raise all together these species and nations, which are one within the
other, interferes with one of them, he will throw the lot into disorder. Whereas according
to the meaning of, So turn your vision again, do you see any flaw?
there is no sign of confusion. That means not so much as a finger can interfere.

TheWords-686From Risale-i Nur Collection By Bediüzzaman Said Nursi

Then, while that traveller was travelling in his mind through the mountains and
plains, the gate to the arboreal and vegetable realm was opened before him. He was
summoned inside: “Come,” they said, “Inspect our realm and read our incriptions.”
Entering, he saw that a splendid and well-adorned assembly for the proclamation of
God’s unity and a circle for the mentioning of His Names and the offering of thanks to
Him, had been drawn up. He understood for the very appearance of all trees and plants
that their different species were proclaiming unanimously, “There is no god but He.”
For he perceived three great and general truths indicating and proving that all fruitgiving
trees and plants with the tongue of their symmetrical and eloquent leaves, the
phrases of their charming and loquacious flowers, the words of their well-ordered and
well-spoken fruits, were testifying to God’s glory and bearing witness that “There is
no god but He.”

The First: In the same way that in each of the plants and trees a deliberate
bounty and generosity is to be seen in most obvious fashion, and a purposive liberality
and munificence, so too it is to be seen in the totality of the trees and plants, with the
brilliance of sunlight.
The Second: The wise and purposive distinction and differentiation, one that
cannot in any way be attributed to chance, the deliberate and merciful adornment and
giving of form — all this is to be seen as clearly as daylight in the infinite varieties and
species; they show themselves to be the works and embroideries of an All-Wise
The Third: The opening and unfolding of all the separate members of the hundred
thousand species of that infinite realm, each in its own distinct fashion and shape, in
the utmost order, equilibrium and beauty, from well-defined, limited, simple and solid
seeds and grains, identical to each other or nearly so — their emerging from those
seeds in distinct and separate form, with utter equilibrium, vitality and wise purpose
without the least error or mistake, is a truth more brilliant than the sun. The witnesses
proving this truth are as numerous as the flowers, fruits and leaves that emerge in the
spring. So the traveller said, “Praise be to God for the blessing of belief.”
In expression of these truths and the testimony given to them, we said in the Sixth
Degree of the First Station:
There is no god but God, to the Necessity of Whose Existence in Unity points the
consensus of all the species of trees and plants that are engaged in glorifying
God and speak with the eloquent and well-ordered words of their leaves, their
loquacious and comely flowers, their well-ordered and well-spoken fruits, by the
testimony of the sublimity of the comprehensiveness of the truth of bestowal, bounty, and
generosity, done in purposive mercy, and the truth of differentiation, adornment,
and decoration, done with will and wisdom. Definite, too, is the indication given
by the truth of the opening of all their symmetrical, adorned, distinct, variegated
and infinite forms, from seeds and grains that resemble and approximate each
other, that are finite and limited.

As this traveller through the cosmos proceeded on his meditative journey, with
increased eagerness and a bouquet of gnosis and faith, itself like a spring, gathered
from the garden of the spring, there opened before his truth-perceiving intellect, his
cognitive reason, the gate to the animal and bird realm. With hundreds of thousands of
different voices and various tongues, he was invited to enter. Entering, he saw that all
the animals and birds, in their different species, groups and nations, were proclaiming,
silently and aloud, “There is no god but He,” and had thus turned the face of the earth
into a vast place of invocation, an expansive assembly for the proclamation of God’s
glory. He saw each of them to be like an ode dedicated to God, a word proclaiming
His glory, a letter indicating His mercy, each of them describing the Maker and
offering Him thanks and encomium. It was as if the senses, powers, members and
instruments of those animals and birds were orderly and balanced words, or perfect
and disciplined expressions. He observed three great and comprehensive truths
indicating, in decisive form, their offering of thanks to the Creator and Provider and
their testimony to His unity.
The First: Their being brought into existence with wisdom and purpose and their
creation full of art in a fashion that in no way can be attributed to chance, to blind
force or inanimate nature; their being created and composed in purposive and
knowledgeable manner; their animation and being given life in a way that displays in
twenty aspects the manifestation of knowledge, wisdom, and will — all of this is a
truth that bears witness to the Necessary Existence of the Eternally Living and Self-
Subsistent, His seven attributes and unity, a witness repeated to the number of all
animate beings.
The Second: There appears from the distinction made among those infinite
beings and from their adornment and decoration in a fashion by which their features
are different, their shapes adorned, their proportions measured and symmetrical, and
their forms well-ordered — there appears from this a truth so vast and powerful that
none other than the One Powerful over all things, the One Knowledgeable of all
things, could lay claim to it, this comprehensive act which displays in every respect
thousands of wonders and instances of wisdom; it is impossible and precluded that anything
other than such a one could lay claim to it.
The Third: The emergence and unfolding of those countless creatures, in their
hundreds of thousands of different shapes and forms, each of which is a miracle of
wisdom, their emergence from eggs and drops of water called sperm that are identical
with each other or closely resemble each other, and are limited and finite in number, all
this in the most orderly, symmetrical and unfailing fashion, is so brilliant a truth as to
be illumined with proofs and evidences as numerous as the animals themselves.
By the consensus of these three truths, all the species of animals are engaged
together in testifying that “There is no god but He.” It is as if the whole earth, like a
great man, were saying “There is no god but He” in a manner befitting its vastness,
and conveying its testimony to the dwellers of the heaven. The traveller saw this and
understood it perfectly. In expression of these truths, we said in the Seventh Degree of
the First Station:
There is no god but God, to Whose Necessary Existence in Unity points the
consensus of all animals and birds, that praise God and bear witness to Him with
the words of their senses, their faculties and powers, words well-balanced,
ordered and eloquent; with the words of their limbs and members, words perfect
and persuasive; by the testimony of the sublimity of the comprehensiveness of the
truth of bringing into being, making, and creating, according to will, the truth of
distinction and decoration according to purpose, and the truth of proportioning
and forming according to wisdom. Definite too is the indication given by the
truth of the opening of all of their orderly, distinct, variegated and infinite forms,
out of identical or similar eggs and drops of sperm, that are finite and limited.

TheRays -139 From Risale-i Nur Collection By Bediüzzaman Said Nursi
