Serious The Day of Resurrection is NEAR!

Abu Loren

Defender of Islam!
Asalaamu Alaikkum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Every human being will taste death, this is a fact that we all accept. However, there are millions, if not billions of people who thinks that once we are dead then we all turn to dust and that is the END. A Muslim knows that this is not the end, this is just the end of one part of our life, the second part being either the reward of heaven or the eternal punishment that is hell. A Muslim must believe in the Day of Resurrection and the Hereafter the AKHIRA.

Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala tells us in the Holy Qur'an that this life is a test. What we do in this life determines where we end up in the afterlife. We are told that if one obeys the laws and commands of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala and live a life according to His rules, doing good deeds and believing in Him as the One and only True Living God then we have a chance of attaining Paradise. If we disobey Him and live a life of luxury, not caring about our brothers and sisters, being arrogant and denying Him then the destination for those is hell.

When we fall into deep sleep our souls are taken by the angels up to heaven and returned once we awake. Similarly, when we die our souls are taken by the angels and depending on what kind of a person you were, that is if you were a Muslim or not, then a Muslim's soul is taken gently whislt the soul of the unbeliever is taken violently.

When we all 'wake up' on the Day of Resurrection it will be as if we were 'asleep' for a day or part of day. Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala gives us examples of this similitude in the Holy Qu'ran. So the reality is that when we die the Judgement of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala is very near. When we all die we only have a few hours till the Day of Qiyamah.

So ask yourselves, have you done enough good deeds so that the scale of Justice hangs in your favour? What is a good deed? The Holy Prophet (SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) tells us that it can be somethig as simple as removing thorns from the road so that people can walk by safely.

The Day of Resurrection is indeed very NEAR. We only have until the day we die.


Laa ilaha ilaa Allah
Staff member
wa alaikum asalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

We should ever be mindful of what awaits us in the grave and in the akhira, that will guide us for the best in this dunya, in shaa Allah.

May we not taste that death until we have a book full of good deeds and remembrance of Allah swt on our lips.