The Good Times.


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
Asalam 'Alaykuum,

This is my latest poem inspired by the anasheed "Ghurabah". Sit back and reflect on this inshallah, and realise how good it was back in our Ummah's prime.

The Good Times.

By MuslimBrother92

As the birds fly over I remember the good time,
When our nation was happy, and in its prime.
We were the nation that never let each other down,
And would never look at each other in a nasty frown.

We were the brothers in arm’s who loved each other,
Who were quick to help when one asked a favour.
We’d sit down and talk about our beautiful state,
And we’d here the call of salah and to Allah we’d prostrate.

Our wives and children were beautiful people,
When they heard the Qur’an they were just so joyful.
Our wives would sit down and teach the young,
They’d teach them Islam as soon as they sprung.

On Friday’s we gathered and attended Jumm’ah,
Then we’d listen to the khutbah and pray Jamma’ah.
Then we’d invite each other to come over and eat,
And when we all turned up the host was quick to greet.

When one was sick we’d all go and visit,
And we’d stay by their side until the very last minute.
Then we’d comfort their relatives for three short days,
As they got back on their feet, and to Allah they’d praise.

They’d praise Him even through these tough calamities,
Because their Iman was high enough, that they’d revoke their furies.
They revoked them because they feared Allah,
Which kept them righteous and ignited their spark.

Our main aim was Jannah, which Allah has promised.
He promised it to those who feared Him and prospered.
This was our aim from the very beginning,
But as we see today it is Jannah we’re selling.

We’re selling it for something that is just so small,
It is the dunya that has us wrapped in its claw.
When would we learn the lesson from the past,
That if we’re not righteous we’ll become outcasts.

This Ummah was once the greatest state,
That had all nations on its plate.
It kicked the oppressors out the door,
And always helped its people especially the poor.

As the birds come down to rest their wings,
I’ll continue to wish for this nation’s spring.
I want it to be how it was before,
We’re the Muslim’s weren’t caught in the dunya’s claw.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum dear brother:D

tabarakaAllah! your poems are amaaazingly GREAT! JazakaAllah khairan for sharing this and all your other poems with us:D
I am looking forward to more of your poems inshaAllah:D

Allah hafiz now and always:D


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
Asalam 'Alaykuum,

Jazak Allahu Kheir everybody for your positive feedback, may Allah [swt] reward you all inshallah.

Wasalam 'Alaykuum.


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
Jazak Allahu Kheir for the kind words everybody. May Allah reward you all inshallah.

Wasalam 'Alaykuum.