The Greatest Gift


Sab'a Sita Ethnain


The Greatest Gift
By Ahmad Abu Khattab

Is there any greater gift?
A question I ask when I walk this place.
Can there really be anything greater?
A place of peace and also of grace.

“Peace be upon you!” I say to him,
“Welcome my brother!” he says to me.
“We’ve been rejoicing in our Lord’s provision,
Waiting for you so you can finally be!”

“Be of what O humble brother?”
“The chosen few who received the gift.
The reward of martyrdom in His way,
Whose death was honourable and surely swift.”

Such an honour to be of them,
Serving their Lord in the ultimate way.
My reward immense but I still want more,
Only one thing and I can’t wait for that day.

Ja’far Al-Tayaar comes flying to me,
No arms he has but replaced with wings.
He gives me a hug, closing his wings on my body,
Knowing surely that I have Glad Tidings.

I marvel at the sights I see around me,
More brothers coming to see and greet.
All of them winged as they all float down,
Like a band of brothers; a band of the elite.

A great gift surely but there is something better,
And I want that too and I can’t wait for it.
Surely the believer shall receive this too,
As they rejoice in Paradise with their faces lit.

I look at my arms but they are not there,
Instead, like my brothers, I’m able to fly.
I give them a flap, and then another one too,
Soaring finally, in Ferdose, so high.

Seeing the rivers that flow underneath,
The palaces glistering with the sparkle of gold.
Happy here as I acknowledge the promise,
The promise of my Lord – it is as He told.

I see my maidens playing in the gardens,
They wave to me as I see them smile.
“Come down to us and be in our company,”
Rewarded to me for passing the trial.

Again, a great gift, but there is something better,
And I want that too and I can’t wait for it.
Surely the believer shall receive this too,
As they rejoice in Paradise with their faces lit.

On the Day of Judgement I’ll face my Lord,
Musk seeping from me - my soul is cheerful.
Interceding for the ones that I do choose,
That day I’ll be saved from those who are fearful.

No punishment I’ll face in the grave of mine,
Another gift from my Merciful Lord.
Crowned I’ll be when facing His Majesty,
But there is something greater that I surely adore.

My sins forgiven at the first sign of blood,
No longer worried about the blazing fire.
My Lord bestowing His bounty on me,
Giving me whatever my heart will desire.

But there is something greater than all of is,
Something that is given to the true believer.
Given to them when finally in Paradise,
Withheld from the one who will be the griever.

What is it that I hastily await?
That makes a martyr want it more.
Something so great that it can’t be imagined,
So what is it that I can’t help but adore?

It is indeed a humble thing,
Something that’ll make my happiness lift.
To see the Face of the One I fought for,
The face of my Lord - the Greatest Gift.