The illegal International Drugs Market, An American Acceleration

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
"If you look into the history of what is called the CIA, which means the US White House, it's
secret wars, clandestine warfare, the trail of drug production just follows. It started in
France after the Second World War when the United States was essentially trying to
reinstate the traditional social order, to rehabilitate Fascist collaborators, wipe out the
Resistance and destroy the unions and so on.

The first thing they did was reconstitute the Mafia, as strikebreakers or for other such useful services. And the mafia doesn't do it for fun, so there was tradeoff: Essentially they allowed them to reinstitute the heroin production system, which had been destroyed by the Fascists. The Fascists tended to run a pretty tight ship; they didn't want any competition, so they wiped out the Mafia. But the US reconstituted it, first in southern Italy, and then in southern France with the Corsican Mafia. That's where the famous French Connection comes from.

That was the main heroin center for many years. Then the US terrorist activities shifted
over to Southeast Asia.
If you want to carry out terrorist activities, you need local people to do it for you, and you also need secret money to pay for it, clandestine hidden money.

Well if you need to hire thugs and murderers with secret money, there aren't many options. One of them is the drug connection. The so-called Golden Triangle around Burma, Laos and Thailand became a big drug-producing area with the help of the United States, as part of the secret wars against those populations.

In Central America, it was partly exposed in the Contra hearings, though it was mostly
suppressed. But there's no question that the Reagan administration's terrorist operations in Central America were closely connected with drug trafficking.

Afghanistan became one of the biggest centers of drug trafficking in the world in the 1980s, because that was the payoff for the forces to which the US was contributing millions of dollars." (Source: "The War on Drugs" By Naom Chomsky, P 5, 1998)

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Former President Ronald Reagan said he was completely unaware of the Contra deals, despite several high ranking officials being involved over several years. As such, he was exempt from taking a stand and being asked to testify. He was also excused from possible investigation for prosecution due to his alleged ignorance.