The Importance Of covering


New Member
Like a window needs the covering of curtains to prevent the house from getting burgled the human body needs covering from being besmirched by Satan. Covering. It’s strange how we as humans have the sense to incorporate such a rule into our creations for safe guarding but be outraged when our creator decrees such a rule upon his own creations. What right do mere humans have on their own creator’s choice of design and function? A silly notion for most but where is the fault in Gods choice. There is None. A rational Mind would rationally state. Because it’s universally acknowledged that God means a creator that is transcendent and immanent Beyond everything and anything. And More.
A God cannot have a fault nor a weakness. So the rules he set are virtually faultless. He knows remember. Everything. What is Everything? To know all, regardless of category, topic or subject matter. To know Beyond a sage in every matter. Beyond the boundaries in genius-ism. Far out of reach Beyond. And Beyond is the word close to the proximity in defining God. But one cannot fully Define the term God or describe Him. You’ll find yourself returning to the definition of Beyond if you try. It’s a universal acknowledgement that God is Beyond. Therefore we cannot define Him. As He is Beyond Human understanding. Indeed we mankind are far superior than all other creations. But that is all. We are Creations, there is no rank ladder going up from creation as we can not become God the Creator. Therefore when the creator decrees a rule we steadfast follow and not break that rule. Including the one about covering and modesty continuously mentioned in the Quran, specifically Suarah An-Nisa.
