The importance of the Masjid


to allah i turn....
The mosque is a place for worship, education, and a refuge from the cares of the world. Best described by Prophet Muhammed , namely that the mosque should be a garden of paradise. According to a hadith, the Prophet advised the building of mosques in a simple style, so that there should be no dissipation or dilution of the true religious and spiritual atmosphere.

Besides the five daily obligatory prayers, there is the weekly Friday prayer which is compulsary and is offered in a Mosque. In practice and content it is like any other prayer, but as a large number of people gather a khutbah, giving religious guidance, is also preached by the Imam before the prayers begin. In this, he reminds worshippers of their accountability to God, the characteristics of a Muslim, and conduct in society. In this way, the Friday sermon refreshes the memory on religious commitments.


New Member
I think it is most beautiful place you sit down at Allah Home and pray to alone. Cry and ask for forgiveness. As Allah already knows everything about you. Inshallah Allah will give us forgiveness


Junior Member

I think it is most beautiful place you sit down at Allah Home and pray to alone. Cry and ask for forgiveness. As Allah already knows everything about you. Inshallah Allah will give us forgiveness

We as humans have a tendency to have our own thoughts, but we must put these aside and base our thoughts on the Quran and the Sunnah.

Here's a link to a fatwa on Islam Q&A; I'd post it here, but it's a big lengthy. It describes that it is obligatory to pray all prayers in congregation, but naturally that isn't the case if you live too far away, like many of us here in the States.
