The Israeli Lobby: Does it Have Too Much Influence on US Foreign Policy?


New Member
Does anyone doubt it

U.S. does not have a foreign policy when it comes to Middle East and Arab states, it is Israels policy that it implements. Anyone suggesting it gets labeled with anti-semitism as if Israel can do no wrong and all their policies are just and criticizing it is somehow being anti jewish.They can and are doing this because they have such a strangle hold in the Media that anyone pointing out Israels inhumane policies and illeagal activities (too many to list but everyone knows) in the occupied land of palestine gets villified and is subjected to character assasination. Most Americans have no other news outlet other than CNN,FOX,Time Warner,GE and Viacom and their subdidiaries which report the same news with same bias just different faces and different newspaper names. Anyone who says otherwise is either BLIND or ZIONIST.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
I remember reading the book published by the above authors which details with evidence the following things-

The number of Jewish lobbies in the US and the weight of the former's influence on both individual politicians and parties

The wealth of the organisations that support the lobbies

The power of effective opposition to those candidates for political office who are NOT Pro-Israeli in elections

The strength and unity of the Jewish vote as a holistic community in American electoral politics

The duplicity of US policy in NOT exercising international law against Israel when violations are recorded and witnessed, while it is strongly enforced against almost everyone else

The financial assistance given to Israel in the form of grants and NOT loans on a regular basis

The exercising of the US Veto alone as Israel's saviour at the UN since the 1960s whenever resolutions that condemn Israel for war crimes appear, to open independent investigations into atrocities against Palestinians or to impose sanctions. As one of the five permanent members of the UN, it has the right to rescind any resolution that targets Israel against all other nations even if it is the only one that objects to it.

Finally, Anti Semitism is NOT any of the following-

To speak against Israeli policies

To ask for or to impose sanctions on Israel

To indict Israel for crimes against Palestinians

To ask for Israel to return the lands it took from Syria and Jordan

To force Israel to follow UN resolutions imposed in 1967

If Anti-Semitism is defined as hatred towards Jews and the annihilation of the Jewish State, then the above and all related areas are NOT Anti-Semetic as they represent wrongs committed by one people against others; that is what we call justice. If being Anti-Semetic means anything that is or can be said or done to Jews and Israel even when they are in the wrong, then there is no such thing as justice and only Anti Semetism.