The Lyrical terrorist


peace lover
jazaaq Allah khair for brother Muzlim....:ma: really liked da poem...its got words wid deep meaning!...yes it is difficult for muslims today fitnah all around...v all are gettin into tougher trials everyday but dis waz alredy predicted by our beloved prophet(pbuh) :ma:...v need implementation od the Quran and the sunaah and b strong(steadfast in da din-ul-haq)....da rest Allah will take care


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Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

I decided to remove the poem from here. Alhamdulillaah the sister wasn't sentanced, but you mention how they hit kufr hard, when in fact, many of these people do something so stupid (via speech more than often, their actions are often turned to 'mute', as oppose to speaking louder than their words!) acting all brave and true to Islaam, but when they get pulled up by a cop or summoned to court, they coward out and deny everything. It is so common in London (and the UK); I can think of many, many cases in which this happened. And it is not exactly the non-Muslim, prone to lying journalists whose words I take on this, rather I have seen it with my own eyes, heard it from my own ears, or the incident has been narrated by trustworthy people (who know those in the fitnah).

Also, in many of these cases, I've either met or even knew those who turned chicken when being brought to trial; this shows their extreme weakness and how they didn't "speak the truth" that they claimed to yield to when under that pressure. Alhamdulillaah, I think some of these people have benefitted and realised how foolish they ended up looking, how weak their determination was and thus let go of these silly practices.

As for the sister, may Allaah aid here, then her case is well known to some of us, and I don't think it was anything near heroic, Islamic or even good.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your poem was evil, wrong etc as there was truth in it, but it's not needed and may lead to people concluding that what these people do is good.
