Amidst all the waffle, there are some genuine questions I'd like to pick up on. The rest can be ignored.
I remember Prophet (saww) saying do not to disrespect others lords and their innovative practices and all... so i obeyed the command of my Prophet (saww).
Good. Respect Taqleed then, as was the position of hundreds of scholars who obliged it on the layman like you.
MashaAllah... so you have faith in this book. so i would rank you a "Complete Hanafi" now... you are a complete hanafi and sad part is the moderators like it.
I'm not promoting Hanafi law. I'm promoting an understanding of what the scholars have said. If you really think that the literature they produced on the subject has zero evidences, you are blind. YOu really need to read the evidences used by the scholars for Taqleed. Alas, you don't know Arabic - you'll probably do Taqleed of a translation.
bring us some sayings of scholars before 4th Century.
If you actually opened your eyes and looked at Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah and Musannaf `Abd 'l-Razzaq (you probably don't even know what these two things are), you'll find hundreds of fatwas of the Salaf mentioned therein without any evidence! Yet these two are accepted books for the scholars.
Here is a fatwa from the Saudi Lajnah on Taqleed, which they say is a must on layman like you:
Al-Qarafi reports the Ijma` of the Sahabah on Taqleed for laymen:
انعقد الإجماع على أن من أسلم فله أن يقلد من شاء من العلماء بغير حجر
There is consensus that a Muslim can to Taqleed of whichever scholar he likes without restriction.
وأجمع الصحابة رضي الله عنهم أن من استفتى أبا بكر أو عمر وقلدهما فله أن يستفتي أبا هريرة ومعاذ بن جبل وغيرهما ويعمل بقولهما من غير نكير
The Companions agreed that a person asking Abu Bakr or Umar and doing Taqleed of them had the right to do Taqleed of Abu Hurayrah and Muadh bin Jabal and others and take their opinion. This was done by them without condemnation of such practice.
فمن ادعى دفع هذين الإجماعين فعليه الدليل
Whoever claims a dismissal of these two pieces of consensus, he should bring evidence.
Ibn `Abd 'l-Barr, the mouthpiece of Imam Malik and commentator on al-Muwatta', said that any condemnation against Taqleed is directed at scholars, not laymen who have no choice. He said:
"Layman must do Taqleed of their scholars when a situation arises, because the place of proof s no clear for them, and the scholars didn't differ that laymen must follow their scholars"
وهذا كله لغير العامة ، فإن العامة لا بد لها من تقليد علمائها عند النازلة ، لأنها لا تتبين موقع الحجة ، ولم تختلف العلماء أن العامة عليها تقليد علمائها
Honestly, there is excessive material from the era of the Salaf on this, but a blind person who wants to be blind will not see any of this.
so according to you all Arab's are scholars and Alims, cuz their mother tongue is Arabic, isnt it!
Arabic is just one prerequisite for Ijtihad pal. There are a few more prerequisites as well. Of course, thise mean nothing to you because you haven't studied a classical text, and whatever you've copied-pasted you have misunderstood.
poor Shafi's, when a woman is touched accidentally and if they are in state of Wudhoo, their Wudhoo is not valid... I wonder what they will do when they go for Hajj or Umrah.
Why don't you actually ask a Shafi`i scholar about this, instead of condemning them on a forum!? This rule has been discussed for decades, and they say that they take the verdict of Imam Abu Hanifah in this scenario.
Adhan is the call for prayer, Jibril (as) came to Prophet (saww) to tell him (saww) the timings of prayers. and accordingly he (saww) ordered the prayer timings. we say Labbaik to Allah (swt) when the call for prayer is made so you taqlid crews say labbaik to Muezzin than Good luck to you Muqallids....
Yet when a scholar tells you 'this is the ruling of the Shariah', you feel the need to take his exam and demand him for evidence! No scholars in history has said that he must give you evidence without you asking for it.
If we have any moderator here who could try and do justification with the way harris hamman is writing would be appreciated. I am reporting it as insult here
Unfortunately Mr. Harris Hammam has so many fans here most notably the moderators, so he can't do wrong. They are all in awe of him. Shame.
There has to be some justification, I mean if he as a given a right to write and express than others must have the same rights to defend and object to whatever he is writting without Daleel.
I too feel bad to see such kinda attitude of our moderators here, please allow everyone to express and prove their points, its has never been proved that harris is right coz no Muslim can be a blind follower.
I think it's simple. We have a few guys like yourselves who are totally unqualified to speak on the subject, evidenced by your lack of knowledge, your mistake-ridden transliteration, and your misunderstanding of the texts, and your endless copy-pasting. Readers are quite clever about where you exactly stand. I don't think anybody would want to study by you, because you don't have any scholars to begin with!
Can you recommend any Islamic University in the world that supports your 'anti-Taqleed for laymen' tendencies? And can you bring any scholar in the past 1000 years who supports your 'anti-Taqleed for laymen' claims? Please, tell us.
What if the scholars gives wrong Daleel or conceal the truth???
Yeh Asif, how would you know!? All this copy-and-pasting - how do you even know that what they are saying is right!?
We say a layman is excused beyond asking a trustworthy scholar. You say that he must look for evidence. How will you know that what this scholar is telling you is correct? How will you 'cross-reference' (as you or one of your buddies put it)?
But the best is left for the next post...