Praise be to Allah!
NO ANSWER as expected, fine
Asif if you believe that there has been 'sensible' questions posed and HH did not answer, then could you please list those questions in shaa' Allaah.
NO ANSWER as expected, fine
My recommendation is that the pair of you are banned so readers here can discuss some more sensible topics in a calm and sober manner. The two of you have proven you can't do any of this. You are a mere distraction with your ad hominem attacks, and my course of discussion with the two of you has ended here.
If anybody else has something sensible to say, I'm happy to discuss that.
Because of your ad hominem attacks against the scholars of Islam, acting as if they got it all wrong and you are here to inform us about the Haqq. Minnows who don't understand Arabic teaching the scholars of Islam, the heirs of the Prophets!Very childish and immature to call somebody to be banned. Why don't you come back when you grow up a bit instead?
Question is, why is this guy using the name of Wajdi Akkari to gain some credibility when the reality probably is that Wajdi is free from his anomalous opinion?Can't be Akkari. It must be an Akkari wannabe.
Akkari wouldn't make such blunders in spelling and in Arabic, and disrespect of the scholars, like our friend Akhari here has done.
My recommendation is that the pair of you are banned so readers here can discuss some more sensible topics in a calm and sober manner. The two of you have proven you can't do any of this. You are a mere distraction with your ad hominem attacks, and my course of discussion with the two of you has ended here.
If anybody else has something sensible to say, I'm happy to discuss that.
So what is the problem you have exactly? Help me per these scholars, taqleed can be done in cases where a layman who does not know anything. this goes for people who do not want to "Tehqeeq" (Investigate). dependent upon scholars who themselves are strayed. now do you have answer for my question.
I use 'taqleed' the same way you used 'taqleed' in your above comment, the same way thousands of scholars have - istilahan, not shar'an.what our friend Harris failed to. can bring the word "Taqleed" from Shari'ah perspective?
Beware, immature harris will come up with spell check the way you greet.
no sister brother Asif is a Muslim however harris is a Hanafi.
Who has restricted them to one madhhab?the only problem is with people only who don’t allow Muslims to do Tahqeeq and restrict them to stick with one Madhab.
I can't work out an answer suitable for the question from these words.i gave you answer for this.
As a suggestion, you may want to start with the words, 'I believe Sh. Ibn 'Uthaymin's usage of the word 'taqleed' is ...'Abu Musab Akhari said:as per these scholars, taqleed can be done in cases where a layman who does not know anything. this goes for people who do not want to "Tehqeeq" (Investigate). dependent upon scholars who themselves are strayed.
Now who's making assumptions? I believe you don't understand the Qur'an as it was you also think that understanding Qur'an and "Taqleed" are the same thing? Book from Allah, Most high and man made Innovations are the same?
The speaker is Sheikh Taha Karan of Cape Town. He has his own Islamic school in the city. I recommend the Sheikh on this topic. He is very balanced, and he was the top student at Darul Uloom Deoband in his year.
There's no contradiction between something being a necessity and being mandatory.
One is about to die out of hunger and the only food the person has is dead meat. It is both a necessity for the person to get rid of hunger and mandatory for the person to preserve life.
You should have added a few more 'd's just for emphasis.They are freely spreading Bidda'a...
which we never said. I think you are more close to these Deobandi extremists in your extremism. Extremism feeds extremism.... however if you think "Deo"bandis are innocent...
Your spelling is atrocious. Don't you feel any shame? I'm feeling embarrassed highlighting these for you.than why don't you explain to us the concept of WAHADAT AL WAJOOD...
1. Not all types of Tawassul are Haram. Some are differed upon. Some are permissible.& throw some light on Wasila (Intercession).
Why are you promoting the deoband here? where are the answers bro.
Did you know how the foundation of deoband was established? did you know that according to deobandis, prophet Muhammad [saw] came and ask them to construct this madrassa [nauzbillah]?
I think you forgot to paste " IN DREAM".