The Most influential single figure in human history


Subhana Allah!
asalamu alaykum warah matul Allahi wa barakatuh dear brothers and sisters in islam,
The extinction of race consciousness as between muslima is one of the outstanding achievements of islam and in the contemporary world there is, as it happens a crying need for the propagation of this islamic virtu. A.J Toynbee, Civilization of Trial,
New York, 1984, p.205.

I am not a muslim in the usual sense, though i hope i am a "Muslim" as "one god surrendered to god", but i beleive that embedded in the Qur'an and other expressions of the islamic vision are vast stores of divine truth from which i and other occidentals have still much to learn', and islam is certaintly a strong contender for the supplying of the basic framework of the one rligion of the future'.
W. Mongtgomery Watt, Islam and christianity Today.
London 1983, P. lX

Further Readings of Islam:

-T.B. Irving, et al. : The Qur'an :Basic Teaching
- Hamuda Abdulatif : Islam in focus
-M> Qutb : Islam : The misunderstood Religion
-Maudoodi : Towards Undertanding Islam
-Maurice Bucaille : The Bible, The Qur'an and science
-Suzanne Haneef : What everyone should know about Islam
and Muslims.


His missions

History makes it clear however, that the legend of fantical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquerd races is one of the most fantastcally absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.

De Lacy O' Leary,
Islam croosroads,
London, 1923 P.8.