The Newcomer

Majid Dudin

New Member

The Newcomer

I sat alone and thought deeply about the universe, the human being and life.

I asked myself: What would a fetus say if I were to phone him and ask him about the circumstances there in his mother's womb; how is he living?

I called him up and asked him to tell me something about his life….

His answer was: although my world is tiny, I am very happy here …an umbilical cord feeds me, a strange amniotic fluid protects me against any outside effects. My world is ideal…no lying…no cheating and no hypocrisy…
I asked him if he had anything to add. He answered: for the time being he could not form his impression of the other side of the story …his last exact words "good-bye! Till we meet in your world".
I waited until the plane landed after that nice short journey, the delivery had already taken place and the child was still crying and people around were cheerfully laughing .Then I asked the new born baby: as a newcomer to our world ,what would you say now?
His answer was: although your world is huge, I see it gloomy and dark.

This life is weary; a tear, a sigh, and then we say good-bye and die. Your world is full of lying, cheating and hypocrisy. I wished I stayed in my mother's womb forever.

I told him "there is a way if you follow, you can change the terms of your life. Your tears can become candles; your sighs can become smiles and even your death can become life in itself. You have come to this world while crying when people around you were laughing. Following that way, you die smiling when people around you are crying…

He immediately asked me: "What is this way? Please tell me?
I told him: " The only way to achieve this is to believe in Allah (Glory be to Him); the Gracious; the Merciful; the All-Forgiving; the Wise….etc.

In other words: to follow the straight be: innocent, decent, ethical, rational and pure. …not to commit forbidden deeds.

If you do so, you will win paradise and gain immortality and in paradise you will have life without death, youthfulness without old age, happiness without misery and health without sickness. And this is the real success.