The Price, on seeking repentance


New Member
Everybody makes mistakes
We do things of which we are not really proud
And other things that really we are ashamed of
On our own and sometimes to please a certain crowd
But pencils do have erasers
Computers come complete with delete key
Thank the Maker for repentance
And another chance for you and me
Let me try and set an example
And recall the old mistakes i've made
So i can make sure i beg forgiveness for them
And turn from them seeking my Makers aid
That i will sincerely hate my wrong doing
And not just be one who pretends
That where necessary i'll pay a penalty
Help those i've wronged and make amends
Not count on someone else shouldering my burdens
Be the man and take responsibility
For the messes i've cause by my wrong doing
All the fall out still haunting me
Be the man not hide from my actions
Take the credit as well as the blame
Make efforts toward the type of living
That will insure for me a noble name
On the tongues of men and angels
On this earth and in heaven above
Let me stand ever prepared
To repent and offer true love
For the blessed state of my being
For the promised eternal paradise
For the door to eternal salvation
Let me lovingly pay the price