The Radicalisation of Moderate Muslims


Junior Member
The Radicalisation of Moderate Muslims

They came for my friend at dawn
Smashed his door
And pinned him to the floor
The strong arm of the law
Was felt on his body and mind
They Abused and insulted him with
words unkind

His wife was shocked
But in her room she was locked
His children cried
But they showed no mercy
Except joy and pride
They arrested another
In the war on so called terror

Didn’t matter
That he worked in the city
Was proud to be British
And attended every England match
including the friendlies

They had no pity
His little practice of Islam
And short trimmed beard
Was what they feared

He was guilty of association
With those he met at university
While studying for a science qualification
Attended a few talks and demos
Read a few books
About changing the Ummah’s situation

He thought he was safe
Went to work and paid his taxes
Moderate Muslim he claimed to be
But how was he to see
That if you’re a Muslim
And disagree with western values and policies
You’re on their radar and hit list

He thought it was a dream
Being dragged down the stairs
Unable to believe or scream
Can’t be happening
It’s not real
But the pain he could feel

Put in a cell
On his own
He could tell
They would question
About his past and his views
And to answer
Would later

Caught in a dilemma
To deny Islam
Or to obey Allah
Those were the options

Heaven and hell flashed
In front of his eyes

What views do you have about Iraq?
The Caliphate?
And the Ummah?
Was the intro
They were clued up
While his lips glued up
He remained loyal
To Allah and his messenger

They tried all sorts of tactics
Threatened him with loss of job
All to open his gob
And for him to sing like a parrot
Even offered carrots
To incriminate innocents
He had never met

During the interrogations
He counted the days
In between loss of sleep
And saying
" No comment, no comment"
Even in his sleep
Until eventually he hit 28th day
In captivity
And they reluctantly released him

No apology
For false arrest
Loss of earnings and reputation destroyed
Didn’t even pay for his damaged door

Before he was a moderate
Now he’s a lot more
Before he was blind and believed in British justice
Now he knows the score
Who’s the enemy?
Who are the allies and brothers?
And what’s the solution for the Ummah’s sad situation

Alhamdulilah he rabbil alameen
Allah guides whom he will via means we never imagined


Servant of Allah
subhanallah. so true. thats why we must stand together now. may i ask is this guy you or someone else? subhanallah. such a good poem. and so true at the same time. salam.


Junior Member
subhanallah. so true. thats why we must stand together now. may i ask is this guy you or someone else? subhanallah. such a good poem. and so true at the same time. salam.

JazakAllah for the kind words, indeed unity is strength and an Islamic obligation.

The poem is based on incidents which I have heard and read about.