Junior Member

~Author Unknown~

A rich landowner named Carl often rode around his vast estate so he could congratulate himself on his great wealth. One day while riding around his estate on his favorite horse, he saw John, an old tenant farmer. John was sitting under a tree when
Carl rode by. John said, "I was just thanking God for my food."

Carl protested, "If that is all I had to eat, I wouldn't feel like giving thanks."

John replied, "God has given me everything I need, and I am thankful for it."

The old farmer added, "It is strange you should come by today because I had a dream last night. In my dream a voice told me,
'The richest man in the valley will die tonight.' I don't know what it means, but I thought I ought to tell you."

Carl snorted, "Dreams are nonsense," and galloped away, but he could not forget John' words: "The richest man in the valley will die tonight." He was obviously the richest man in the valley, so he invited his doctor to his house that evening.

Carl told the doctor what John had said. After a thorough examination, the doctor told the wealthy landowner,

"Carl, you are as strong and healthy as a horse. There is no way you are going to die tonight."

Nevertheless, for assurance, the doctor stayed with Carl, and they played cards through the night. The doctor left the next morning and Carl apologised for becoming so upset over the old man's dream. At about nine o'clock, a messenger arrived at
Carl's door.

"What is it?" Carl demanded. The messenger explained,

"It's about old John. He died last night in his sleep."