the storry of the broken pot and the perfect pot


Junior Member

I want to share a little storry I read somewhere. I liked it alot because I commited sins and after felt very regret and it comforted me because I realized that my sins didn´t make me a worse person but a better person cuz I loose alot of bad qualities through them (like pride, arrogancy, ignorance...) and watch at things very different now... But of course I´m not happy that I commited this sins..And insaalla I will never commit again. My english isn´t well and it was not easy to translate it from turkish to english so hope everyone will understand it...

There was a man in China who was using a stout stick with pots hanging on its both ends to transport water from the vally to his house.

One of the pots was a little broken on one side and the otherone was impeccable.. and everytime the "perfect" pot managed to carry all the water,the man filled in, to his home whereas the other pot was just bringing the half of the water because of it´s failing... And so two years went by.

The "impeccable" pot was very proud for doing it´s "job" in a perfect way and the poor broken pot was ashamed and sad because of it´s defect that hindered him to arrieve without loosing the half of the water on the way to home ...

Once he said to the man "I´m so ashamed cuz I can not manage to bring all the water home . I think I don´t do my job well..." than the man smiled and pointed do the side where the broken pot always passed away and said: "have you not seen the flowers which flourish in every couler and beauty..? it is because of your failure... Now look at the side of the ideal pot there you can´t see anything... I knew from the start your failure and that´s why I planted seeds to where your side is and everyday when I was on my way to bring water from the valley to home you moulded them. If you would be perfect I coldn´t use this flowers to beautify the way and my home..."

We all have mistakes and sins and we should never look down at other muslims because of their mistakes/sins instead we should try to see the good in them... (but not if they are hurting others with there actions...)