The true enemies against Islam and Muslims

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Christina we have a problem!

@ Ayep
I didn’t.
Of course not and I don’t think that all the others are evil. There are millions of good people there, I’m sure about that. But if the governments don’t accept Israel as a neighbour but want to throw them to the sea whereas Israel does accept them as neighbours we do have a problem there, don’t we.

Christina I think your 'good intentions' to the path of peace and understanding or love of Zionist Israel is not shared even by many Jews or the Judaism faith.



"On Sunday, June 1, 2003 at 5th Ave. and 59th St. in Manhattan, NYC a group of anti-Zionist Jews demonstrated against Zionism and the Zionist State celebrated by marchers in the so-called Israel Day Parade." (Anti-Zionist orthodox Jews protest against Israel ) As improbable as it may seem to the uninformed, a significant number of Jews in the United States, Great Britain, Israel and elsewhere oppose Zionism, Zionist oppression of the Palestinians and, in some instances, even the very existence of the State of Israel itself! We say hidden protest because this tangible opposition has been totally ignored by the news departments of the major television and radio networks, magazines and newspapers (in the last source, some papers, such as The New York Times, may make very brief mention of the protests, but even then they bury articles far from the front page). Jews: Zionism is cause of instability in the world "The Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will proclaim their loyalty to pure Judaism and their opposition to Zionist heresy, which violates every principle of the Jewish religion. These people believe that the idolatrous Zionist ideology has nothing to do with Orthodox Jews, and that Jews are obligated by Judaism to live in peace and harmony with all other nations throughout the world, including Palestinian natives of course."


Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, spokesman for Neturei Karta International, announced this evening that the organization of anti - Zionist Jews will publicly burn the Israeli flag in a series of ceremonies around the world on “Purim” Tuesday, February 26. "The Zionist experiment has reached its inevitable conclusion. Death tolls mount and no viable solution is in sight. Slowly the Jewish people are awakening to the reality of Zionism, its rejection of Torah views of exile and redemption, combined with its aggressive stance towards Gentiles in general and Palestinians in particular." foto:Orthodox Jews Burn Israeli Flag in International Ceremony Demonstration of the essence of the Holiday “Purim”

I can go on and on with proof and facts but then again you are not really looking and listening. We Muslims are not stupid you know. Your concern for Israel is deeply worrying for us but then again that is typical Zionist mentality.

You are trying hard to discredit people who are against what you belief in with absolutely no proof or evidence which is clearly blind devotion.

„"But the Jews will not be pleased with thee, neither the Christians, until thou follow their religion; say, The direction of Allah is the true direction. And verily if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, thou shalt find no patron or protector against Allah." (The Cow - verse 120).“

It's funny that you brought up this verse cause you are describing your intentions with this. You are living proof what this verse is mentioning sister. We Muslims have no problems co-existing with non-Muslims.
My proof:

"Say (O Muhammad(peace be upon him)to the Kafirun and Mushrikun) O Al-Kafirun(disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection and the Al-Qadar, etc.)
I worship not that which you worship
Nor will you worship in what I worship
And I shall not worship in which you are worshipping
Nor will you worship in that I worship
To you be your religion and to me my religion(Islamic Monotheism)"
-(Al-Kafirun verse 109)

Wanting Peace?

"They [Israel] will do everything to make you believe that they want peace - I even believed it once and most of you have believed it - I know that. They will do everything to make sure that people in the West believe that they want peace - they will go to meetings, they will sign documents - they will do all that and then they will make damn sure that there is no chance of any of this happening..."

Haim Bresheeth is an activist and film-maker of Israeli origin, living in Britain, where he is Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of East London.
If you care to listen to him:

All the people mentioned above are not Muslim. So are you going to discredit everyone without no proof and evdence but pure personal belief.
Sorry sister it don't work that way.

Here you can read parts of the Hamas charta. It doesn’t sound very peace-process-supportive.
That doesn’t sound like ‚peace‘ to me.
Talking about conspiracy theories ... here you got them all in one.
Another one your own personal theory with no proof or evidence to disapprove it.

Another personal statement that does not stand without proof.
„The Protocols of the elders of Zion“ is an antisemitic fake.


Staff member
Hallo to all!

Thank you for your answers.

Here are my statements (I had to split it because it was too long for the character limitation)

@ Mabsoot

If you only read anti-zionist jew-hating propagande history books, this certainly is the result of your view. Why not reading also more balanced books or take books from Israel-defending authors to know about both sides.

Btw: have you ever visited Israel? I mean, do you know the country, have you been there?
I did. It’s a great country with good and decent people. I really liked it very much. Nevertheless I want you to know: I’ve not been to Palestinian areas and I do think that they suffer a lot and that innocent people are beeing killed frequently. I do think that the situation is very bad for innocent Palestinian people. But I do also know, that Hamas and other organisations have to stop the terror, then Israel will stop trying to stop the terrorists. Because that’s what they do. If Hamas terrorists hide in civilian areas and shoot Qassam rockets from there they are a danger for the civilians because Israel has to defend and protect its own population of course from this.

I agree. It is their right. But it’s also the right of the Israelis.

You’re right, I didn’t check the links so far but I will. It’s because I had not enough time. I’ll take time and check it all with full attention *promised*

Sure there is. Would you agree if someone would claim „Muslim Umma is the biggest terrorist organisation in the world!“ You would call it racists and I would absolutely agree with you on that.

hello Christina :) i hope you are doing well,

Thank you for your reply, I understand what you are trying to say, but I do not think that you understand the situation clearly.

1. Israel is in breech of International Law. It is a criminal state. -

Israel is not just a state which is living peacefully with its neighbours. It constantly sends its troops into neighbouring countries such as Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. You need to understand the criminality of Israel in its occupation of these lands. So, i hope that you do look through the links i presented in my last post. Those are not "Pro Palestinians" Links, they are Neutral links from Human Rights organisations. This issue is to do with human life and suffering. We are here to shed light into the desperate plight of people and stand up for justice.

I have been to Palestinian Refugee camps and i know many Palestinian refugees. I have also spoken to many Jews and also even Israeli doctors who work for achieving human rights in that area.

However, i have no need of visiting Israel or even trying to look at their point of view. This is because their point of view is clearly racist and incorrect. I dont know why you find this hard to accept. Why should i look at pro-Israeli view when it is based on racism?

Being pro-Palestinian does not mean we support Hamas, it means we support the rights of the Palestinian people, whether they are Muslim or Christian.

What you said about looking at the Israeli Zionist View point is equivalent if i ask someone to read read Hitler's book Mein Kampf before critisising the Nazis. - A Nonsensical statement.

Zionism is a racist ideology. They believe they are entitled to land no matter who is living there. If you are not a Jew you have no rights.

It seems you forget that there are 100,000s of Palestinians who used to live in what is now called Israel, that Israel occupies lands in 3 different countries, they occupy Syria, Lebanon and all of Palestine.

The People living in Palestine are under constant threat, they have no work, have no water, have no help. They are treated badly at checkpoints.

The links i gave you were not Anti-Jew, infact one of them was made by Jews.

Some of the fiercest critics of Israeli policy are Jews, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Amira Hass etc.

To say that Israel is responding to Palestinian terrorism is wrong. Factually wrong.

Everytime Hamas committed acts of terrorism, they were in response to Israeli actions. Hamas was voted in by the Palestinians because they are not corrupt, because they make good schooling and medical facilities available for their people.

Israel blocks aid to the Palestinians, they shoot at ambulances and they bomb hospitals. - How can you possibly say that all terrorism emnates from Palestine? Israel does not respond to terrorism, it commits terrorism. There are many illegal settlements being built as we speak.

Also, i really hope that you do not feel intimidated by all the people posting here. We simply wish to get at the truth.

Nobody wants anyone to be hurt, as a Muslim i stand up for people's rights.

And the rights of the Palestinians are those which are being trampled on now.

Thank you, i hope that you understand a bit more about the situation there.

Paki Idol

Defender of Islam
Hello Christina!

You hold the same image about Muslims as people in West do.The image that all Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.That is a perfect lie, christina.There is no extremism, no transgression, no oopression of woman in Islam and NO place of hatred and mischief in Islam.THose Muslims fighting for their homeland are branded terrorists.Have you ever wondered when the Palestinians started to gain sympathy by the whole world during Israeli-Hezbollah CONFLICT in this very year, a conspiracy was unearth.The conspiracy was that some Muslim terrorists were to blow up 10 aeroplanes.Any proof?That was only to inspite anger against Muslims in the westThe bombings in India were blamed on Pakistan.I ask for proof.The evidences of 9/11 and 7/7 leads to the real story about what the Anti Zionist media says when regarding to 9/11 as 'Clearly an inside job'.Christina, those Muslims are fighting for their homeland are showed terrorists.The truth is that they are NOT terrorists but Fighters in the right sense.They only ARE protecting their homeland and families.That's all.All incidents were self made and were NOT masterminded by Muslim extremists.The real threat is Zionism.Muslims are not the real threat.Muslims are most persecuted but everyone ignores that.Even most International Aid (or human) organisations ignore them.

Taliban, Al Qaeda or Hezbollah.All I know about them is that they are good.They do not love bloodshed.God knows best about the truth.Have you heard of 'New World Order or 'Greater Israel at every expense'.Israel is the real criminal.Muslims are against oppression, hatred, rascism and every kind of evil.Muslims are not against Jews, Pagans or Christians.Muslims, infact against the party of Satan.Undoubtedly, one of them is Pro-Zionism.There is alot to say about truth of Israel.But I would like end here or else I wouldn't be able to stop writing about Zionism.I'll ask you one question only.Who is the one who benefitted most by 9/11 and so called War Against Terrorism?Is it America?Is it Asia including JApan and China?Is it Muslims or Non Muslims?Is it Europe? A BIG NO!!!It is Israel.You wonder how? ~~~~ Cuz America is goind down the same way Germany and Graet Britian did..... And that is the propoganda abd exploiting by Zionists.


New Member
I think the real issue is that the western media's hype against Islam and using key words such as 'extremists', 'fundamentalists' 'radical groups', 'Muslim terrorists' and many others to describe the news related to Muslims and that’s what I call ‘scary’. You’re a victim of the western media just like the entire Muslim population is. You can’t take these two lame videos and try to justify the violence in the middle east and elsewhere.
The second point that I wanted to make is that your comment or conclusion about the real enemy of Islam is probably based of what you’ve been hearing lately in the news and other biased media and other ‘known’ organization that claim to be independent. When I say biased media and known organizations, I include main stream media and organization such as U.N that are totally biased. If you don’t believe it, try not to listen to the main stream media for a couple of months. For instance, if one of your friend learns this news and tells you that there were 2 Israelis and 2 Palestinian were killed in Gaza today. Don’t go and turn on CNN, MSNBC, or BBC. Search some online newspaper that prints news about only Israel and some that prints news only about Palestine. Then go and read a newspaper that prints news about both, may be Times of India. You’ll see the difference… A LOT. If you continue to do this for almost 6 months, you’ll probably forget the words like 'extremists', 'fundamentalists' 'or radical groups'.


New Member

Thank you for your answers.

I think, everybody should be opened to see both sides. I think, it leads to much confusion and hate if we only consider one side and don’t listen to the other.

The internet is a perfect tool to find out more about the other side. It’s up to each single one on his own to open his heart and not be afraid and face the other’s reality, too. The world wide web is full of information. I also love to browse the books on (or .com or or .fr) and read the reviews from customers and find interesting books.

Of course you can go on and nourish a biased few about it all. The Web will also serve perfectly for such purpose.

But I think, if we’re talking about love and peace: both is not for granted and it takes courage, patience and good will to get to know the other side’s view.

Everybody is responsible for that. Today, with the web, nobody can say: I didn’t know, I couldn’t try. At least nobody of those on the earth that are able to access the internet.

I want you to know: I don’t ignore the plight of e.g. the Palestiniens. I don’t ignore that there is a lot of injustice and brutal force. But I blame it on the leaders of e.g. Hamas, that would not accept peace, as you can e.g. read in their charta that I quoted above.

I thought quit a lot about your points of views. I came to the conclusion for now, that it is logic and coherent and I believe that most of you are loving, peace-seeking people.

But the views of most of you posting here about what is going on in the world is quite the opposite of my view.
The question is: which view is closer to the truth?

I don’t think that blaming the US for all the world’s miseries and suspecting a huge „zionists-rule-the-world“ conspiracy will reveal the truth. I think, the truth is more obvious and more sober.

Anyway ... as for the Jews, here I found a book on (shipping worldwide) that doesn’t cover political issues but the people and the country of Israel. (Btw I’m christian, not jewish, but I’ve already been in Israel for a visit and I liked the country and the people a lot).

Thank you all for our discussion, Christina


Staff member
Biased View ????? Sorrryy Christina, but we dont share the same guilt that you may do as a German! I nor any of my people are responsible for killing any Jews. My nation doesnt share any guilt. We dont have any silly laws saying can not critisise Jews or Israel

Christina said:
I want you to know: I don’t ignore the plight of e.g. the Palestiniens. I don’t ignore that there is a lot of injustice and brutal force. But I blame it on the leaders of e.g. Hamas, that would not accept peace, as you can e.g. read in their charta that I quoted above.

Really? If you cared, then you would have blamed the murderers, instead, you have such a stone heart, that you blame the people who are suffering the most, the Palestinians. And you allow the Israelis to not share one single percent of blame. This is truly biased and cruel. When Israeli snipers shoot dead children, strip search pregnant women, and bulldoze houses onto the elderly and disabled to build their disgusting dirty settlements, for people like you, this is all the Palestinians fault.

You blame all the deaths of the palestinians on the Palestinians and not on Israel !! This is ridiculous! And it shows your blind love for mass murderers.

Hamas has a right to defend its land from the greediest and blood thirstiest people ever known to mankind.

Any anyway what about before Hamas came into power? What about the whole 60+ years of Murder that Israeli soldiers and settlers have been doing? Was that the Palestinians fault too? How can you blame the Palestinian leadership for small cowardly Jewish soldiers that snipe at kids?

We are not the ones who call Israel an Apartheid State, Did you know that it was Nelson Mandela, who called it that. -

So you have been to Israel, big deal, I have been to Palestinian refugee camps and i know first hand the evil that lurks in the Israeli government.

We are not speaking about Conspiracies, we provided links to independent human rights organisations. It is beyond your capability to accept that?

Or accept that Israel is breaking international Law?

Im afraid thats a load of gobbledegook miss. You continue to post Zionist Pro Israeli Lies. You can not pretend to be neutral. Its a true shame that the plight and suffering of Palestinians and many others continues whilst people such as yourself, perhaps from guilt, continue to support mass murderers such as the blood thirsty lying indecent Zionist Jews.

We have nothing against Jews, or Christians. However, we draw the line at supporting Racists and extremists. That is something you fail to see when you go into Israel

Why dont you go to Palestine, why not visit the families who were massacred by the Jews.

I removed the links, why should i allow you to post links to lies? When Palestinians are murdered and kicked out their land, you smile and say oh look how lovely the Israelis are.

Any human being with a good heart, would understand the plight of the Palestinians and all those oppressed by Zionism.

This is the Israel that you are so proud of:

Deir Yassin The Agony. Documentary About Deir Yassin Massacre Palestine Video

Palestine is still the issue - John Pilger - Excellent Video

Dispatches: The Killing Zone (British Doco in Palestine)

But, i guess it doesnt matter, even if Palestinians are treated worse than animals, if people have not got the blessing from God for a soft heart and kind reasoning, then they will always see things from the wrong perspective. To the extent you blame the Palestinian leadership. Their land was taken, they have no rights, they have no work, they have no security, they have no freedom. THere are 100s of checkpoints and daily human rights abuse. Ambulances are shot at, police men are killed and the Israelis fail to prosecute their own people for war crimes. -


Junior Member
Assalamu A'laikum,

I just want to add few lines. Memri TV videos are quite distorted videos and so its unwise to trust them. Just have a look at their founders. Their founders are:

1. Yigal Carmon (President) - An israeli colonel who was also involved in an 'illegal' occupation in Lebanon in 94-96'.

2. Meyrav Wurmser (Executive director) - A neocon, she is wife of david wurmser who is the mid-east advisor of Dick Cheney

you can read more about Memri TV in wikipedia

wassalam. :)


Junior Member
In the eyes ......

Hello Christina

I just want to mention these dictionary definations, for a moment keep our mind and heart clear from spectulations, suspicions
1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.

1. a person who goes to extremes, esp. in political matters.
2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.

1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a movement in American Protestantism that arose in the early part of the 20th century in reaction to modernism and that stresses the infallibility of the Bible not only in matters of faith and morals but also as a literal historical record, holding as essential to Christian faith belief in such doctrines as the creation of the world, the virgin birth, physical resurrection, atonement by the sacrificial death of Christ, and the Second Coming.
2. the beliefs held by those in this movement.
3. strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles: the fundamentalism of the extreme conservatives.

Islam is a complete code of life, it only makes one better the more one follows, but every person is responcible for his/her actions, the leaders and socities should be correcting them self, else they are setting up bad examples for other groups or extremism terrorism and dectatorships.
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