The wealthy one


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
The wealthy one
By Ahmad Abu Khattab

They look at you and they see no wealth,
An elegant lifestyle you surely don’t live.
Simple and humble are your assets,
To the worldly life, you’re not a captive.

You see people feeding their desire,
Not having enough to quench their thirst.
Their thirst for this life – a disguised bright rose,
But for you there is something that always comes first.

This rose blossoms into a beautiful thing,
Its petals bright and full of life.
But a secret it holds that surrounds its beauty,
Its thorns that pierce are evil and rife.

Whatever you get you thank your Lord,
This is what has been prescribed for you.
Never complaining about your food,
Be it some bread or even some stew.

A simple job you work every day,
Enough money made to feed your kin.
Knowing forever you won’t be here,
It is the hereafter you wish to win.

The whisper from your heart comes first to you,
A truthful whisper when uttered from the chest.
A foundation it is for those who believe,
A group from mankind who are the best.

No God but Allah and Muhammad His Messenger,
Such a powerful utterance it repels your desire.
Striking fiercely against this rose,
Separating the truthful from the one who’s a liar.

This has become your mountain of wealth,
Peaking higher than the birds that fly.
Nothing you compromise for this little utterance,
Forever in your life until you finally die.

They ask you why you don’t strive for this world,
What fools they are; are they that blind?
For verily you strive for something that’s greater,
A place of peace where the believer can unwind.

Our beloved Prophet was known to have said,
That everything is cursed except for some things.
One of them being the remembrance of Allah,
Indeed a weapon for the believer who wins.

You ask them whether you’d be a fool too,
To purchase this life for the cost of the end.
Surely no person who sees the truth,
Will give it up so they could spend.

Allah dislikes the Musrifuun,
Those who spend in unnecessary extravagance.
So why do they continue to horde and store?
Do they not want to smell the beautiful fragrance?

This filthy world, the Daar Al-Ghoroor,
The disguised rose that pierces the heart.
How many men have fallen for it?
Keeping them and Allah very much apart.

So you accept the life that you live for now,
As it pleases you knowing that you’re pleasing your Lord.
People degrading you for this humble life,
But a punishment awaits those who store and horde.

Passing through life like a believer should,
Like a traveller who has no permanent place.
A stranger you are to the people around,
Glad tidings to you – this world you don’t chase.

The rose still beautified for those who are blind,
Not able to see the thorns that pierce.
Fallen they are as they are led astray,
Hell Fire for them; a fire so fierce.

Your honour and wealth is not from this world,
It is indeed from your rich beliefs.
Spoken like ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab,
Who was once the humble chief of chiefs.

So let them take hold of this deceiving rose,
Let them think that they have won.
Verily they are only those who are poor,
For indeed it is you who is the wealthy one.