(v) They cannot appear in the form of the Messenger in dreams
The devils are unable to appear in the form of the Messenger in dreams.
According to the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi from Abu Hurayrah (radhiyAllaahu anh) from the Messenger :
“Whoever sees me (in a dream) has indeed seen me, for the Shaytaan is not able to imitate me.”
(Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhi, 2/260, no. 1859)
In As-Saheehayn (Bukhaari and Muslim) it is narrated that Anas (radhiyAllaahu anh) said:
“The Prophet said:
‘Whoever sees me in a dream has indeed seen me, for the Shaytaan cannot appear in my form.’”
This is narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurayrah (radhiyAllaahu anh). In Saheeh al-Bukhaari it says:
“The Shaytaan cannot appear in my image.”
Bukhaari also narrated that Abu Sa’eed said:
“Whoever sees me has seen the truth, for the Shaytaan cannot take my form.”
In As-Saheehayn it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah:
“The Shaytaan cannot appear in my form.”
Saheeh Muslim narrated from the hadith of Jaabir:
“Whoever sees me in a dream has indeed seen me, for the Shaytaan cannot appear in my form.”
According to another report from Jaabir:
“For the Shaytaan cannot take my image.”
(See the ahaadeeth about the inability of the Shaytaan to appear in the form of the Messenger in Bukhaari, 12/283, nos. 6993-6997; in Muslim, 4/1775, nos. 2266-2268).
It is apparent from the ahaadeeth that the Shaytaan cannot take on the true form of the Messenger , but this does not prevent him from appearing in a form other than that of the Messenger of Allah and claiming to be the Messenger of Allah. This is what was understood by Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah) in the reports that Bukhaari narrated from him.
(Bukhaari, 12/383)
Hence it is not permitted to use this hadith as evidence that everyone who sees the Messenger in a dream has indeed seen him, unless his image matches the descriptions of the Prophet narrated in the books of hadith. Otherwise, many people would claim to have seen him in a form that differs from the form described in the reliable books.
The devils are unable to appear in the form of the Messenger in dreams.
According to the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi from Abu Hurayrah (radhiyAllaahu anh) from the Messenger :
“Whoever sees me (in a dream) has indeed seen me, for the Shaytaan is not able to imitate me.”
(Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhi, 2/260, no. 1859)
In As-Saheehayn (Bukhaari and Muslim) it is narrated that Anas (radhiyAllaahu anh) said:
“The Prophet said:
‘Whoever sees me in a dream has indeed seen me, for the Shaytaan cannot appear in my form.’”
This is narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurayrah (radhiyAllaahu anh). In Saheeh al-Bukhaari it says:
“The Shaytaan cannot appear in my image.”
Bukhaari also narrated that Abu Sa’eed said:
“Whoever sees me has seen the truth, for the Shaytaan cannot take my form.”
In As-Saheehayn it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah:
“The Shaytaan cannot appear in my form.”
Saheeh Muslim narrated from the hadith of Jaabir:
“Whoever sees me in a dream has indeed seen me, for the Shaytaan cannot appear in my form.”
According to another report from Jaabir:
“For the Shaytaan cannot take my image.”
(See the ahaadeeth about the inability of the Shaytaan to appear in the form of the Messenger in Bukhaari, 12/283, nos. 6993-6997; in Muslim, 4/1775, nos. 2266-2268).
It is apparent from the ahaadeeth that the Shaytaan cannot take on the true form of the Messenger , but this does not prevent him from appearing in a form other than that of the Messenger of Allah and claiming to be the Messenger of Allah. This is what was understood by Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah) in the reports that Bukhaari narrated from him.
(Bukhaari, 12/383)
Hence it is not permitted to use this hadith as evidence that everyone who sees the Messenger in a dream has indeed seen him, unless his image matches the descriptions of the Prophet narrated in the books of hadith. Otherwise, many people would claim to have seen him in a form that differs from the form described in the reliable books.