Things that bring about happiness


Junior Member


All Praise is to ALLAH alone the most Mercifu and the Beneficient!

Things that bring about happiness

1. Good deeds:

(Whoever works rigtheousness, whether male or female, while he or she is a true believer, verily , to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision...) (Qur'an 16:97)

2. A pious wife:

(Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes...) (Qur'an 25:74)

3. A spacious house:

The Prophet ( bleesing and peace be upon him)said :
" O ' Allah , make my house spacoius for me."

4. Sustenance that is derived and earned through honest

' The Messenger of Allah (bpuh) said;
"Verily, Allah is Tayyib (good and pure), and He does not accept
other than wahat is good and pure."

5. Good manners and spirit of fellowship with people:

('And He has made me blessed wheresoever I be...') (Qur'an 19:31)

6. Being debt-free and not a profligate spender:

(And those, who , when they spend, are niether extravagant nor
niggardly...") (Qur'an 25:67)

(And let not your hand be tied (like miser) to your neck, nor stretch
it forth to its utmost reach (like spendthrift..) (Qur'an 17:29)

May Allah strengthen our faith and lead us to the straight path ameen!




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Wa alaikumussalaam,

AMEEN. Jazakallaahu Khayr for sharing that. Oh yeah that number 6 is very important. I think even if you have all 5 but in great debt, man you'll even find it hard to sleep. May Allaah swt keep us all away from that AMEEN.

abdul ghaleeb

jezakallaahu khayr

may Alaah(swt) reward you in this life and in the next to come!