This is a Test For Me


I came across this poem, and wanted to share this with you all. It reminded me of Sister Aapa MirajMom post on 50%of faith posted a couple of weeks ago. This is a poem from a Sister Jamillah, and is from May Allah reward her, Ameen!:tti_sister: May our iman be this strong, and follow her example, Ameen!:tti_sister:

This Is A Test For Me

Oh! You've come home with a gift, and a story to tell me.

I'll lay out the Maidah, light a candle and get some tea.

So just have a seat, While I boil the water.

Oh and lay out our wealth on the table,

'Cause it's probably a quarter.

We don't have much but we'll make do. Allah is our provider, He always come through.

Wow! This is nice, It must of cost you a lot. I'm sorry Habeeb, if I put you on the spot.

What, What did you say, You got married again.

And did I hear you correctly, you married my friend.

Oh no sweetheart she's not my friend.

She's my sister in Islam.

And I'm being Tested by Allah or Shaitan.

How should I handle this?

Fuss and fight or cry and run away.

Or practice patience hit the rug and pray?

I'm gon'na call my best friend, I can't take this no more.

I have in my mind to walk out the door.

O' the thoughts running through my mind,

And I'm looking at the boiling water.

My nafs are about to go off and give me an order.

My heart is feeling pain, I think I'm gon'na go insane.

My adrenaline is rushing, I got to get control. I need help,

I don't want to jeopardize my soul.

Help me Lord, I don't want to fail this test on me.

I need you Allah to bestow your best on me.

Hook me up Allah send angels to my rescue.

I need your help so this test I get through.

I could cut up all his cloths and burn them in a fire.

Brake all the windows on his car and slash each tire.

Sounds good for the moment, but it's rather costly.

And in the Long run it's probably gon'na cost me.

Now I'm in polygamy, my man is practicing the Sunnah.

I rather that than to be cheated on in the Dunyah.

I'm hearing,

"Want for your sister what you want for yourself,"

I'm saying, "Yes I do, but let it be somebody else."

It's hurting me that I have to share,

My feelings do he really care.

Well he thought to buy me a gift,

thinking that's gon'na work.

Look at my reaction I hope I'm not in shirk.

That's the one sin Allah is not forgiving.

I'm fighting my nafs to finally give in.

He's just a man and he's not perfect.

I guess he came to me thinking of respect.

I have to convince myself he did not commit a sin.

It's his right my night, and my fight within.

Shaitan's not gon'na have me acting a fool.

I'm a Muslim in Islam and I'm gon'na practice the rules.

I'm gon'na plead to Allah every night.

I refuse to let Shaitan win this fight.

I'll pray for the sister, right now enjoy my tea,

And cherish each moment my husband's with me.

Shukrallah! I'll say in the end,

He came through for me again,

Allah is my best friend.




and the blessings that flow are from the bottomless bounty of Allah subhana talla..sweet sister tears are flowing down from my eyes...