Hadith Three hadiths about Juma-tul-Mubarak

Mohammad Rafoqie

Junior Member

Three hadiths about Juma-tul-Mubarak:hamdulila:
By Mohammad Rafique Etesame

(1) Abu Hurairah may Allah All-Mighty pleased with him narrated that:

The holy Prophet PBUH said: "The best day that the sun has risen upon is Friday. On it Adam was created, on it he entered Paradise, and on it, he was expelled from it. And the Hour will not be established except on Friday."

(2)Salim may Allah All-Mighty pleased with him narrated from his father, from his grandfather, that he heard : the holy Prophet PBUH saying: "Whoever comes on Friday, then let him perform Ghusl."

(3) Kathir bin Abdullah bin Amr bin Awf Al-Muzani narrated from his father, from his grandfather, that:

The holy Prophet PBUH said: "On Friday there is an hour in which the worshipper does not ask Allah for anything except that Allah grants it to him." They said: "O Messenger of Allah! Which hour is it?" He said: "When the prayer is begun until it is finished."

These three hadiths reveal the importance and virtues of the day of Juma, May Allah All-Mighty give us power to act upon them.