US Lawmaker Suggests Makkah Attack:NAUZU-BILLAH


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
US Lawmaker Suggests Makkah Attack :astag:

Washington, August 05: US Republican lawmaker and presidential hopeful Tom Tancredo has said the best way he could think of to deter a nuclear terrorist attack on the United States was to threaten to retaliate by bombing Islam's holiest sites.
"If it is up to me, we are going to explain that an attack on this homeland of that nature would be followed by an attack on the holy sites in Makkah and Madinah," quoted the congressman for Colorado as saying.Tancredo's statements came on Tuesday, July 31, but were highlighted by international media outlets late on Friday.

His remarks were posted on the subscription-based Iowapolitics.come website. He was addressing a townhall meeting in Iowa.Tancredo has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1999, representing the 6th Congressional District of Colorado.

He is a declared candidate for the 2008 Presidential Race.


Tancredo said attacks on Islam's holiest site would be justifiable if America was attacked by Muslim extremists."Beyond the loss of human life and devastation, it would cause a worldwide economic collapse," Tancredo said, according to the website.

Following the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, which were claimed by Al-Qaeda, the United States is worried about the prospect of terrorists striking again, this time with a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon.

Tancredo's remarks are not unprecedented.

During a 2005 radio interview on Orlando talk-radio station WFLA AM 540, Tancredo responded to a questioner asking about the US response to a nuclear attack on the homeland by al-Qaeda, by saying that one possible response would be to retaliate by "taking out" Muslim holy sites and named Makkah.

He said such a response would be justifiable if it were clearly proven that Islamic terrorists were behind such an attack.He rejected then to apologize for his remarks.

Tancredo had also made derogatory remarks about Islam earlier this year, when he said during a Fox News interview that the root cause of Islamic terrorism is a "dictate of their religion."The radical lawmaker is also known for his staunch opposition to immigrants in the United States.

He spoke out in January against the continued existence of the Congressional Black Caucus, the Democratic Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and the Republican Congressional Hispanic Conference.



We Muslims need to bombard his office. We need to contact CAIR. We need to voice our disgust. There has been at least one thread related to this issue. He is just making noise. However, we need to be louder.



That is a deep point and I will listen to it. I will seek knowledge and leave ignorance to it's natural end. Now, I can go paint my porch in peace,