
Junior Member
pt1 how and why i came to islam from jail to islam


I grew up in a poor part of south London where most men get different women pregnant and run away 95% percent of the time and my mother was forced to take responsibility for both roles. She had to get two jobs to pay the rent and bills, because of the lack of a real father around.

So I was left at home while my mum was working hard and I was raised by TV and music, Hollywood, MTV and (now) channel u and I saw all the bling bling, nice cars, the money, the boats, the houses, the women and all the rest and I wanted it all!

So I looked around my environment and surroundings and the people I saw with money and material things where the crack, coke , heroin, opium, ecstasy, valium dealers and also the credit card fraudsters, armed robbers, burglars and gang members.

So I thought college and university looks like a waste of time, all the people going there are broke, so I linked up with a friend from secondary school that was in my class that was already in a gang and started hanging around with him.
At that time my mum had also chucked me out because of my unruliness and bad behavior towards her and sometimes to my younger brother and younger sister.

I ended up for the next years of my life going in and out of jail and spending most of my time on the inside and few months out and that became my life (even though I had a flat).

Until one day in jail when I was bored like every other day and I picked up a Quran and read it and one sentence hit me:

“Is there any one more misguided than the person who makes his desires his God.”

And for the first time I realized that money was the false God that I worshipped and I was a 100% slave to money, without actually knowing it.

And the Quran helped me to realize who I was I following. The people that I was following all my life unconsciously, were the rappers, actors and mcs these were my false prophets because I tried to act like them, look like them, dress like them , talk like them, dance like them, even think like them, in every single way.

And what really shocked me were the clubs, raves and parties I went to religiously every weekend, they were really my mosques and temples that I was worshipping performing (pagan) rituals in.
I realized was extremely religious without knowing it!!!

And it took this book, the Quran, to let me know for one moment in my life that I was worshiping myself and money and not God who I should be worshipping.

So I read the Quran even more and when I realized that every other faith Christianity, capitalism, Hinduism, communism, Sikhism, secularism, Buddhism, Judaism and playerism, tells people to worship men or created things like rocks, stones or animals instead of God, so I decided Islam is the only faith or belief for me.

And instead of dressing like Game, 50 cent, Snoop, Jim Jones or Dipset, I started to look, dress, act, behave like Moses, Jesus, Noah or Muhammad because they where all Muslims, which means in English “one that submits to the will of God”. These are my role models because they tell people only to worship God, not them or created things.

And Jesus was a Muslim (not ‘Christian’) because he believed in one God above the heavens and told people to worship that one God not himself. If he was God, who was he praying to, himself? And if he was God does that mean Mary looked after God almighty and that God almighty was a weak feeble baby that cried at night and wet himself? This is blasphemy and disrespect to God.

So Jesus was a Muslim that’s why he fell on his face and prayed like the Muslims do today, he grew his beard like the Muslims do today, he wore a robe like the Muslims do today, he washed before he prayed like Muslims do today , he never ate pork like Muslims do today, he was circumcised like Muslims are today, he fasted like the Muslims do today and he never drank alcohol like the Muslims today.

And if you look at Mary she dresses like how most Muslim women dress today. And if we are honest when you go into church or look at praying Christians on Sunday, are they really following Jesus and Mary in their belief and outward appearance or are they imitating and resembling Beyonce, J lo or 50 cent and game??
The End

And if it was not for me becoming Muslim and following what Islam teaches then I would be still be in jail today
Thank you Allaah
Peace to every one, thanks and feel free to come down to Brixton Mosque and talk to the brothers and sisters, especially on Friday at 12.00 if you have any questions even if you’re not Muslim, don’t worry we wont hurt, don’t believe the media hype!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Maa shaa Allaah akhi.

It's always good to see brothers coming up from such a background. Alhamdulillah, Allaah guided me to the sunnah before I got too involved with that lifestyle, I was constantly fighting between 2 worlds, one of Islaam and one similar to what you described (but not to such an extent). Sadly of those who claimed they would take the shahadah and who were hit by Islaam round the same time as I (arrogance to the worship of Allaah and the enslavement to hawaa [desire] over took them), are dead, drugged up, selling class A drugs or writing lyrics that only misguide the youth to crime.

Alhamdulillaah, who guided me to the sunnah, alhamdulillah, who guided you to Islaam.

Suhaib Ibn Ishfaq Al-Kashmiri

Oh and akhi, give Muhammad As-Sudaanee, the brother who teaches `Arabic at Masjed Ibn Taymiyyah (Brixton) my salaam! Inshaa Allaah I'll see you there next jumu`ah bro!


New Member
:SMILY206: to islam brother your yet another lucky person :ma: to convert to the religion of truth i pray for you that allah keep you in the straight path for the rest of your life inshallah and you pray for me from one of your sisters:tti_sister:


Junior Member
:SMILY206: to islam brother your yet another lucky person :ma: to convert to the religion of truth i pray for you that allah keep you in the straight path for the rest of your life inshallah and you pray for me from one of your sisters:tti_sister:

thank you sister and may allah keep you strong on iman


Staff member

:ma: akhi,I am so glad that you have come on to the right path.:hijabi:

Welcome to the family bro..



New Member

SAlam alikum

I was very much impressed of your talk and points u mentioned , and the points u mentioned for me as if someone looking to islam from outside, sinc eI was born in muslim family so always we see Islam from inside.

But your comments realy very helpful to me in believing more that Islam is the real DEEN of Real GOD.

Thank you VERY MUCH for increasing my Iman, I will share your views with my other brothers.

By the way I am from India, and I wish Allah (S.W.T) will keep u on this right track .


Junior Member
salam alaykum my brother yor warm comments touched my heart and mad my eyes fill up with with tears its replyies ike this exact onethat keep me posting akhi wllahie i love you fr the sake of Allah

may allah make your scale of good deeds heavy and make you enter paradise on judgement day ill put some more of my videos up


New Member
Salamu alejkum my new Bruva

Salamu alejkum!!!

Mashallah brother my heart just becomes full av life when i hear your story....and may Allah Guide us all to gardens of paradise and hold us far away from the hell fire....amin....

And bruva fell very happy for you that u have found the peace within and the right path of life....

May Allah bless u in this life and the hereafter bruva...

wa alejkum salam


Junior Member
Asalamu alaikum

that is you brother? i sow that video on you tube but i did not know was you anyway jazakallahu khair brother. i really like your videos and that Mazjid.

allah's abd

New Member

god bless you brother,you were chosen as many others around the world to follow the right way,because in the quran allah (SWT) almighty say that he guides to truth whom he wants .