Vision of Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

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Junior Member

While reading from
I came across this
"The onslaught of satanic visions has also hit the Muslims. Many Muslims claim to have seen visions of the Prophet Muhammed (saws) and even Allah! By doing this, Shaytan is able to lead astray the weak Muslims. Through such visions, Muslims are often told that the commands of Islam are not applicable to them. .........."

My question is: Is it true that people can't see Prophet Muhammad (saw) in dreams?
Becuase I read some where in a Hadith that Prophet (saw) saying that who saw me in his dream he saw me in as real because Shaitan(Iblis) can not come in his (SAW)'s shape/'shaql'.



Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah.

This issue is one that needs to be addressed on individual basis with a proper Islamic scholar. There are certain criteria that need to be fulfiled such as giving a description of the Prophet :saw: which is in accordance with the authentic hadith. Also, this does not give someone any powers etc..

Plus, only righteous people who are on correct Aqeedah (belief in God) can see him in a dream.

So you cant have someone who does shirk and bidah, see him.... for they will either be lying about it or they see the Shaytan. There are a lot of weird people who would say they have seen him etc, as part of their "mystic beliefs" etc.. which have no basis on True Islam so one must be careful.


(see here for more info: It is not possible to see the Prophet (saw) in any dream except in his true Form. )


Junior Member
Thank-you for clarifying the issue and may Allah bless you with endless wisdom to keep on helping others.


New Member
May Lord of Love bless ashah and her family too. Ameen.

ashah said:
Thank-you for clarifying the issue and may Allah bless you with endless wisdom to keep on helping others.

Always do your deeds to your Lord with LOVE . LOVE is part of sincerity without asking any rewards.. And always believe that HE(ONENESS) always love you.
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