Junior Member
I watched part of a 8 hour documentry called the arrivals, it told me how kids around the world are being brain washed into following al dajjal when he comes. People right now are being fed sublimal messaging by music that have very shockingly close themes to doing the exact oppisite of a certain haddith. It almost comes to saying the exact haddith, im not sure whether to be afraid or happy that christ jesus will soon accend to earth. One thing for sure, if you are luky enough to die this year it will be better for you
It taught me alot and im pretty sure that al dajjal is in israel as we speak. Becuase there is a haddith that says "the first day will be 1000 of your years", this was reffering to england when they started there rule in 900 ad. and it ended about 1000 years later 1900, when the U.S took power.
the next part of the haddith says the next day will be like one month, we need to think when did the state of israel come to power? 1949 witch is almost percicly one month of years. Then the haddith goes "then the rest of his rule will be like your days meaning" Obviously this is reffering to the recent invasion of Muslim countrys. There are also numerous other haddiths telling the exact same things that match with present day circumstances.
Another haddith says relates its captital to being around israel or syria, where do you think the capital is now? Yes israel. There is not much we can do now, soon the sun will set the other direction (i expect 2012) and any one who didnt believe can not be saved. If you havent watched the arivals i would reccomend it. Its will enlighten you. I didnt believe that dajjal was so close to us until watching it this afternoon. But dont be to afraid as the prophet mohhomad said when asked what someone should do if judgement day was to come that second "keep planting".
Again i know any true believer shouldnt be afraid, thats whats worring me. In these last days what should i do to be saved? i was thinking just spend all these days praying and reading the quran almost none stop, or is this fanatial? All the best. Also if you think anything in the arrivals is wrong please tell me. I really dont want to believe it but logic forces me to all the best your brother in islam
It taught me alot and im pretty sure that al dajjal is in israel as we speak. Becuase there is a haddith that says "the first day will be 1000 of your years", this was reffering to england when they started there rule in 900 ad. and it ended about 1000 years later 1900, when the U.S took power.
the next part of the haddith says the next day will be like one month, we need to think when did the state of israel come to power? 1949 witch is almost percicly one month of years. Then the haddith goes "then the rest of his rule will be like your days meaning" Obviously this is reffering to the recent invasion of Muslim countrys. There are also numerous other haddiths telling the exact same things that match with present day circumstances.
Another haddith says relates its captital to being around israel or syria, where do you think the capital is now? Yes israel. There is not much we can do now, soon the sun will set the other direction (i expect 2012) and any one who didnt believe can not be saved. If you havent watched the arivals i would reccomend it. Its will enlighten you. I didnt believe that dajjal was so close to us until watching it this afternoon. But dont be to afraid as the prophet mohhomad said when asked what someone should do if judgement day was to come that second "keep planting".
Again i know any true believer shouldnt be afraid, thats whats worring me. In these last days what should i do to be saved? i was thinking just spend all these days praying and reading the quran almost none stop, or is this fanatial? All the best. Also if you think anything in the arrivals is wrong please tell me. I really dont want to believe it but logic forces me to all the best your brother in islam