Wake up, al dajjal is here as we speak.


Junior Member
I watched part of a 8 hour documentry called the arrivals, it told me how kids around the world are being brain washed into following al dajjal when he comes. People right now are being fed sublimal messaging by music that have very shockingly close themes to doing the exact oppisite of a certain haddith. It almost comes to saying the exact haddith, im not sure whether to be afraid or happy that christ jesus will soon accend to earth. One thing for sure, if you are luky enough to die this year it will be better for you

It taught me alot and im pretty sure that al dajjal is in israel as we speak. Becuase there is a haddith that says "the first day will be 1000 of your years", this was reffering to england when they started there rule in 900 ad. and it ended about 1000 years later 1900, when the U.S took power.

the next part of the haddith says the next day will be like one month, we need to think when did the state of israel come to power? 1949 witch is almost percicly one month of years. Then the haddith goes "then the rest of his rule will be like your days meaning" Obviously this is reffering to the recent invasion of Muslim countrys. There are also numerous other haddiths telling the exact same things that match with present day circumstances.

Another haddith says relates its captital to being around israel or syria, where do you think the capital is now? Yes israel. There is not much we can do now, soon the sun will set the other direction (i expect 2012) and any one who didnt believe can not be saved. If you havent watched the arivals i would reccomend it. Its will enlighten you. I didnt believe that dajjal was so close to us until watching it this afternoon. But dont be to afraid as the prophet mohhomad said when asked what someone should do if judgement day was to come that second "keep planting".

Again i know any true believer shouldnt be afraid, thats whats worring me. In these last days what should i do to be saved? i was thinking just spend all these days praying and reading the quran almost none stop, or is this fanatial? All the best. Also if you think anything in the arrivals is wrong please tell me. I really dont want to believe it but logic forces me to:SMILY23::( all the best your brother in islam

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

Really. I don´t think to spend all my life waiting last days. I think to live and enjoy what Allah has gave me.

No days waiting dajjal or what ever.

:shymuslima1: No need to stress.


Travelling towards my grave.
Assalam 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh brother

First of all, we must know that we are Muslims and thus, we should believe in Quran and Sunnah perfectly. There are so much of proofs in Quran and Sunnah regarding the coming of the False Masaiah (Ad-Dajjal).

"With regard to the direction from which he will emerge, he will emerge from the east, from the direction of tribulation and evil, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Fitnah is here,” and he pointed towards the east. (al-Bukhaari, 3279; Muslim, 5167).

So the east is the source of evil and tribulation, and he will emerge from the east, from Khurasaan, passing through Isfahan and entering the Arabian Peninsula from a point between Syria and Iraq, with no goal but Madeenah, because there lies the Bringer of glad tidings and warnings (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He will want to destroy the people of Madeenah, but it will be forbidden to him, as was narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “At every gate thereof will be angels guarding it.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1880; Muslim, 2449.

Brothers and sisters, Isfahan is in Iran.

This man will emerge between Syria and Iraq, and seventy thousand of the Jews of Isfahan will follow him, because they are his troops. (Narrated by Muslim, 5237). The Jews are among the most evil of the slaves of Allaah, and he is the most misguided of the slaves of Allaah. So they will follow him and support him, and they will be his troops, they and others who follow him. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O slaves of Allaah, stand firm; O slaves of Allaah, stand firm.” Narrated by Muslim, 5228.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) urged us to stand firm, because the matter is serious. And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever hears of the Dajjaal, let him flee from him, for by Allaah, a man will come to him thinking that he is a believer, then he will follow him because of the specious arguments he puts forward.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 3762; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood."

From Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him), 2/13.​

I watched part of a 8 hour documentry called the arrivals, it told me how kids around the world are being brain washed into following al dajjal when he comes. People right now are being fed sublimal messaging by music that have very shockingly close themes to doing the exact oppisite of a certain haddith. It almost comes to saying the exact haddith, im not sure whether to be afraid or happy that christ jesus will soon accend to earth.

My dear brother! I have watched most of that documentary and felt the same way as you are. But I kept of finding until I came to realise that they have done it very well, with a lot of care to Psychologically control the person who watch it.

We cannot deny that this series contains a lots of information, and "logic" for some extend. However, many of its sayings are contradictory with Quran and Sunnah. According to it, the world is controlled by Dajjal now, through money, and brainwashing. However, there are clear evidence in Hadith that the Dajjal will emerge as a sign of the Last Day. Not how they say it.

One thing for sure, if you are luky enough to die this year it will be better for you.

My beloved brother! Do not say that, because it is beyond our knowledge, to say if it is better for us to die sooner or later.

It taught me alot and im pretty sure that al dajjal is in israel as we speak.

It is not befitting for us to speak about these matters which Allah has made hidden. Nobody will know it. Did you read the Hadith of Tameem al-Daari about the Dajjaal? If not, please read it here. After telling that story to the Prophet (pbuh), the Prophet (pbuh) asked to go and check again, but it was not there to be seen. Allah has shown us evidence to make our belief firm. ALhamdhulillah!

There is not much we can do now, soon the sun will set the other direction (i expect 2012) and any one who didnt believe can not be saved.

Fear Allah my beloved brother! Never say such a word on something Allah has not mentioned us. If Allah would ever reveal its secret to anyone, it would be our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). But he said he also do not know that, when the Angel Gibreel asked him about it.

Allah says, "They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the Hour: when is its arrival? Say, "Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None will reveal its time except Him. It lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except unexpectedly." They ask you as if you are familiar with it. Say, "Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know."" Surah al-A'raf, Verse Number 187.

If you havent watched the arivals i would reccomend it. Its will enlighten you. I didnt believe that dajjal was so close to us until watching it this afternoon.

I do not recommend people to watch it in a normal circumstance, due to some reasons which I mention below. Please read carefully my brother.

1. Islam says one of the way Dajaal controls people is through music. Its ironic how Arrivals has non-stop music, even when quoting Qur'anic verses.

2. Islam says Dajaal will come at the end of time. Arrivals say it is already here. Therefore it goes against Islam.

3. George Bush said “Iraq was a biblical war against Gog and Magog”. He also believes in antichrist and illumnati, and thinks Muslim countries are controlled by Dajaal, just like Muslims think western countries are controlled by dajaal. Muslims who believe in this stuff are just as irrational as George Bush.

Also, let me mention something else too.

The Arrivals was made by the Shia who have different hadith. Its maker is a Rafidi (One of the Deviated sects of Islam).

I really dont want to believe it but logic forces me to:SMILY23::( all the best your brother in islam

I agree with you to certain extend my brother. The Arrivals has a lots of logic and facts in it. Thats how "everybody" who knows how to play minds Psychologically do it. They put a lots of "logic" and agreeable things, and injects what "they" want, in the most dangerous time and way, when the person is for sure believing them. Example of this can be seen all over the globe.

I would like once again to say, I do not say The Arrivals do not contain facts etc, however, what I wanna repeat is that we must be careful on what we are in. Its very very, I meant very dangerous, especially for people with less knowledge, like us.

Wassalam 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum akhi,

I watched the Arrivals...yea each one of them long videos and was creeped out for about a whole long month!!! I was terrified.....but but...even though most of their stuff is good and can make others avoid certain "bad" things. Some of their "logic" is not in accordance with the salafiyah way. We know that the Dajjal is a man from the ahadith of the prophet and not a system. The arrivals stress on the fact that Dajjal is this "creepy" system thats led by the NWO (new world order) which according to them controls everything. I believed those videos and still do to some extent. But know that our prophet (PBUH) didnt leave us without telling us who Dajjaal is, the signs of the hour, and so on. So alhamdulillaah....get the truth and smile!


New Member
Apparently, the dajjal would be a pope and nope, not the current one but a new pope. In my opinion(obviously I could be wrong) for dajjal to come out and be the most powerful person in the world he has to be able to control almost all the powers in the world such as media,business and etc. This is what I think the Arrivals are saying, right now the system to control the world has been established and soon enough when the time comes one person from this system whom I think is the dajjal will emerge and "so call" rule the world.
This I know by reading a website. This website is written in the Malay Language and it is a conversation between a Malay man and his neighbour whom is a member of a "secret church society" in the US. The conversation was mind blowing (to me atleast) and it all made sense oh very much. The pope told him so many things about how they (the secret society) have been trying to control the world since long long time ago and how they had been working on crushing the Islamic institution. The pope also claimed that apparently the main people from the *secret society* knows and accepts the fact that they are the people whom Allah has warned of in the Quran. The best part is, the pope( who speaks as a representative of the society) doesn't deny the existence of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The following I mentioned is just a tiny weeny part of the conversation, it was 20 pages long. Oh well, just thought of letting all of you know but then again Allah knows best and may He forgive me if I said something that is false.
Good day guys.


Staff member

It taught me alot and im pretty sure that al dajjal is in israel as we speak. Becuase there is a haddith that says "the first day will be 1000 of your years", this was reffering to england when they started there rule in 900 ad. and it ended about 1000 years later 1900, when the U.S took power.

the next part of the haddith says the next day will be like one month, we need to think when did the state of israel come to power? 1949 witch is almost percicly one month of years. Then the haddith goes "then the rest of his rule will be like your days meaning" Obviously this is reffering to the recent invasion of Muslim countrys. There are also numerous other haddiths telling the exact same things that match with present day circumstances.


As Salaamu 'Alaykum Brother,

It is amazing how Imran Husain and "The Arrivals" folks ignore the question of the Sahaba and answer of the Prophet :saw: which is mentioned in the same hadith which they quote. It leaves no room for conspiracy theories.

Below is the Hadith, (Please see in red)

Allah's Apostle mentioned of the Dajjal one day in the morning. He sometimes described him as insignificant and sometimes described (his turmoil) as very significant (and we felt) as if he were in the cluster of the date-palm trees. When we went to him (to the Holy Prophet) in the evening and he read (the signs of fear) on our faces, he said: What is the matter with you?

We said: Allah's Apostle you mentioned the Dajjal this morning (sometimes describing him) as insignificant and sometimes very important, until we began to think he was present in some (nearly) part of the cluster of the date-palm trees.

So he said: I harbour fear in regard to you in so many other things besides the Dajjal. If he comes forth while I am among you, I shall contend with him on your behalf, but if he comes forth while I am not among you, a man must contend on his own behalf and Allah will take care of every Muslim on my behalf (and safeguard him against his evil). He (the Dajjal) will be a young man with twisted, cropped hair, and a blind eye. I compare him with AbdulUzza ibn Qatan. He who among you will survive to see him should recite over him the opening verses of Surah al-Kahf (xviii). He will appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and will spread mischief right and left. O servant of Allah! Adhere (to the path of Truth).

We said: Allah's Apostle , how long will he stay on Earth?

He said: For forty days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest of the days will be like your days.

We said: Allah's Apostle will one day's prayer suffice for the prayers of the day equal to one year?

Thereupon he said: No, but you must make an estimate of the time (and then observe prayer).

<And the hadith continues>

It is very clear from the Hadith that the days mentioned are not metaphorical days. When Dajjal comes, in reality the days will be so long that we will have to estimate the time of Salah.
And pray one years worth of Salahs in one day.

In other words, when Dajjal comes the day will be so long that we will have to estimate and pray 1770 Salawat in one day!

354 (Number of days in a Lunar Year) * 5 (Number of Salawat in one day) = 1770.

Clearly, this day hasn't arrived yet.
This is enough to put to rest the Conspiracy theories and the "Dajjal was in England" stuff.


Junior Member
A salaam aleikum, after reading these replys i now feel bad for my self that i lost sleep over the issues. Its amazing how weak our minds are.

At brother ibn, thank you, and now that you mention it i do find it strange that they played music throughout the whole series, it made the whole show easier to swallow.

At sister harb, probably your right, after all it is very haram, to make such blantant geuss that i suppose the arivals did.

At everyone who posted. may allah reward you, as im to lazy t the momment to thank you each indivisouly,


Travelling towards my grave.
A salaam aleikum, after reading these replys i now feel bad for my self that i lost sleep over the issues. Its amazing how weak our minds are.

At brother ibn, thank you, and now that you mention it i do find it strange that they played music throughout the whole series, it made the whole show easier to swallow.

At sister harb, probably your right, after all it is very haram, to make such blantant geuss that i suppose the arivals did.

At everyone who posted. may allah reward you, as im to lazy t the momment to thank you each indivisouly,

Wa'alaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Do not feel bad my brother. We all are like the example of one body. So lets :muslim_child: together. :)

Allah says, "Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allâh, Verily, in the remembrance of Allâh do hearts find rest." Surah ar'Ra'd, Verse 28


Junior Member
MashAllah My brother, i myself have watched some of the part of "The arrivals", and really really it is great, it give the idea of each and every thing in the world... the life, the Muslim and non Muslim,, even they have discussed clearly on the red color, Valentine day,, etc.. i would suggest you all people to watch that..


aka Tree2008
I agree with you to certain extend my brother. The Arrivals has a lots of logic and facts in it. Thats how "everybody" who knows how to play minds Psychologically do it. They put a lots of "logic" and agreeable things, and injects what "they" want, in the most dangerous time and way, when the person is for sure believing them. Example of this can be seen all over the globe.

I would like once again to say, I do not say The Arrivals do not contain facts etc, however, what I wanna repeat is that we must be careful on what we are in. Its very very, I meant very dangerous, especially for people with less knowledge, like us.

Wassalam 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

As salamo alaikome

I have read this entire thread and everyone's responses. I have to say I totally agree with everything brother IbnAdam77 has said in his post and most especially I agree with what he mentioned about the methods used in mind control by unsavory people. When people want to control a situation or even just to cause mass confusion it is through the exact methods used in the film "The Arrivals". They take facts and twist them into what they would like people to believe so in that way it is easier to fool people.

This thread was very interesting but I must agree that we should all stick to the Quran and Hadith and not venture outside of that for answers. Also it is very dangerous and wrong to put our own interpretation of information out there for the public to view without first investigating all of the facts and making sure they match the teachings of Allah and our Prophet (SAW). May Allah forgive me if I have said anything wrong.

Wa salam


Junior Member

I'm a little confused on this issue. Dajjal will appear as a young man, but in the hadith (about the story) he is huge man and he already exists in this earth somewhere. So the young man who will be dajjal, he is actually the man from the story right? So will dajjal from the story transform into the young man who will be dajjal? Because dajjal is already in existence.


I'm not what you believe
salam 'alikum,I've watched to that documentary too,it enlightened me...I live everyday like if it was the last one.I've come to the conclusion that the Dajjal is not a human being made of flesh and bones,but it is made of badness,it runs throught the planet using the the technology which human beings have invented.many singers use to cover their left/right eye with the hand or the hair.there are symbols which made me think that Dajjal is around us and into our houses(internet,televisions,iphones...)
the EYE of Dajjal is a metaphore to make us realize that the "world" beyond the eye of the camera can make us to realize all what we want and to make us to be like "God",by the way that everything we want to know,we can know it making a research on Google,whatever we asks comes fastly without we move from our seats.satellytes are observing us from heaven,you find a camera at each corner of the street........the Dajjal is a global entity which is calling his slaves through music and false hopes.