wake up


I'm not what you believe
bismillahi rrahmani rrahim

People!Wake up.
They want us to surrender to their power.
They want us to shut up.
a generation of bad guys is growing stronger,
but confused in the misty sky,
they made mental trips with no return.
They'll convince them to be immortal,
they'll convince the young girls to be immoral
and they'll make all those fools to believe that the fire doesn't burn.

But people like them,with no morals nor belief,
are being programmed to destroy their existence.
In the name of money,they allow this massacre.
And those foolish guys,don't know how brief
pleasure can the god they worship give them.
Put your sight off from that trash
and wake up.
A new Era may begin and may be better
if you stop this chain of distruction.
Don't be only a distraction
the precious life you're living.