Weak bodies …..strong hearts



Dear sisters& brothers ,
If you have the chance to visit my nearby masjid , you would notice these six old men praying on plastic chairs .
One of them is ahmed , he is around eighty years old , whenever i went to masjid for sure he is there .and when those six conduct magreb prayer they stay waiting 'aisha' prayer . but the strange thing about ahmad is that he comes to masjid using his walking sticks because he can not walk naturally any more .

The other man is yousuf , he is about seventy five years old , he is diabetic , he has high blood pressure , when I walk with him to masjid I tell him that he can go easy on his self and pray at home and gain the same reward (ajr) . but he told me he can not resist hearing athan and stay at home .when he gos to fajr prayer he takes this plate with him and when I asked him why he told me that he brings food from restaurant to breakfast early so he can take medications . when he finishes his breakfast I can hear him opening his small grocery and while I go in sleeping I hear him recites quran .


Junior Member
Amazing alhamdullilah ....their heart are strong and alhamdullilah that give them courage ....

Tell them to pray for the youth of today .... so that tomorrow we also can carry our body to the masjid until old ages...spend our time in the adoration of Allah

im a muslimah ...but it always good to see some old people going to the masjid ....

Pass my salaam to them dear brothers and insha Allah He would convey the Salaam.


Make dua for us all

Subhana-Allah, great people... one can find beautiful people (nour/light in their faces) in masajid, Masha-Allah :ma:


Pls mak Duwa 4 me

Masha Allah may Allah accept there prayers and grand them Jannah with his mercy. Ameen.

Allah hafiz.


dear sisters & brothers:
today , at noon prayer , i met brother yousof and told him that my sisters and brothers in different places on the world send you thier regards and if you please mention them in your prayers .(he didnot know about this post )
he smiled and began to make du'a and after he finished he told me :
my son , when i make du'a i always remember all the members of ummah.


New Member
mashallah this is what i call a true muslim, may Allah give hidayat to todays youth and may they contiue this in their old age too.

when the day of Qiyamat comes near Allah (SWT) takes away the old (the wise with the knowledge) so before this day comes brothers and sisters let us learn something from them so we can pass on these calues to our children too. ameen


New Member
mashallah this is what i call a true muslim, may Allah give hidayat to todays youth and may they continue this in their old age too.

when the day of Qiyamat comes near Allah (SWT) takes away the old (the wise with the knowledge) so before this day comes brothers and sisters let us learn something from our elders so we can pass on these values to our children too. ameen


Wa'ylaikum Salaam,

MashAllah bro that is inspirational :O
May Allah Subhannahu wata'ala have mercy on them and grant them Janna, ameen.