what do american public think


Salaam dear brother and sister,

First sister I took no offense what so ever.
Dear brother..you have to forgive me...I never bash people. I am very upset with the policies that make no sense. I am very tired of hitting my head agaisnt a wall.
You speak the truth. People do take the easy way out. I have been in homes where there is no food but the tv takes up the entire living room. Go figure. If the policies would protect the public I would not be quite the maniac I am turning out to be. I posted a link on Brother GP's thread about 1 Habit, it is a wonderful lecture by Shiek Khalid Yassin. It speaks voulmes and is targeted for a wide audience.
Please keep in mind I am not excusing myself. I just feel that I have a limited time to do my thing before I am carted off to the retirement home ( i am trying to be funny).
I hope Muslims can learn that our life is to be dedicated to Allah. We need to assist not only our own but all of humanity.


Junior Member

I am certain that we all remember the noble hadith reported by Abu Said El-khudri radiallahu anhu about a man who killed ninety-nine people. The question raised in the hadith was if repentance could be possible for him? Well at the end the man asked forgivness for his sins and died. But, brothers and sisters the man before his repentance was strongly adviced to move from the land he was living because sins were everywhere, THUS his repentance was not enough. I'll let you think yourselves about the meaning of this Hadith.



Junior Member

Dear brothers and sisters from US,

The problems which you're talking about are present in many countries. Actually I think that in all our capitalist societies the major problem is that the poor get poorer and the rich richer whereas the middle-class seems to be disappearing. I am so sorry to see these people being so "stupid" - sorry for not having a better expression. It's mainly not their only falt. It's lack of education in basic schools.

Well, I want to give you here an example for what is happening in good old Spain:


It's a song with music :astag: sorry - but it shows how hundreds of african imigrants live under a bridge in Valencia. I live quite close to this city and I have seen them there with my own eyes.

As an example for "stupid" spanish people I have another link:


It's a rasist video of one of the spanish parties before the elections in Spain. It's a shame to see that a political party supports in public that rasism.

Sorry, the videos are all in Spanish. If you'd like a translation, just ask me please.

In total I support the opinion that in case we lived as our prophet s.a.s. showed us, applying the holy Quran and respecting the rules of Allah swt would change the world to the better. Inshallah we can start to change little things around us. My full respect for you sister Mirajmom. If everyone of us helped the needy next to us this world would be a better place.



Staff member

i don't know what's up in this thread. But when I showed this to my cousin, we all just laughed. I mean, take it that yes, these people are ignorant... but that's not the case with everyone. There are some smart people...but that doesn't air very well does it? Would it be as entertaining if all these people got the right answers? Of course not, so they take all the poor and ignorants they find, and then place it in such a way as it seems that they are all like that. Out of maybe 20 people they interviewed, they took the reaction of 1 perhaps.

Same type of thing they do to us Muslims sometimes no? I mean come on, What's a country that starts with "U" Yugoslavia? :p

It's funny, but should not be turned into a stereotype or a generaliazation. And besides, the people who are like this, made thier own choices, or had lives that made them like how they are. America ain't perfect, it ain't Muslim, and in some ways I ain't defending it. But I'm just saying I don't like generalizations, and it's an injustice to have all people labelled such.

Btw - they did have this one show, i watched it maybe once a loooong time ago, i think it was called Street Smarts or something? But they asked a couple of people what the "Pledge of Allegiance" was and they either didn't know it, or started singing the national anthem or something. And i was like :eek: If you've gone/going to school in the lower grades here, for like the first 8 years of schooling, practically every morning they had us repeat this stupid chant (we're talking/pledging allegiance to a flag!!! how much lower can u get... but hey, at least it's inanimate, and yes i know it's supposed to represent the country) and I'm thinking, there's practically no way a person shouldn't know it. lol... but maybe that's just where we live, but partriotism is very high...




Sister what is up with this thread is simple. There exists such an arrogance on the policies of the United States to correct the evils of other nations. They do this with many nations. The government is so arrogant that it has led its people into a a state of stupidity. The sad thing is the people were educated to be stupid. This is a fact. The government is not invested in assisting the citizens to make better choices.
On surface it is funny. But it is a very sad state of affairs. People do not understand how their freedoms have been taken from them.. People do not understand that they have to work at dead end jobs for minimum wage. The poor are stuck in a cylce of poverty and the evils that come with poverty. It lasts for generations.

As for leaving where we live. Many can not afford to leave. It is that simple. We have homes even in the land of kuffars. We have family. We have responsibilities. It is difficult not be among Muslims. I may not be able to hear the adan but I have several versions downloaded. We have to be stronger in our faith.

As Muslims we need to address the social and economic issues in our communities. We are not told to live an isolated life..we are told to live an exemplary life. We are to perform the best of actions. A good starting point is simply to state this is right and this is wrong.