What does Paradise mean for you?




:salam2: sis's and bro's

I need some short and good answers...answers that will touch some1s heart when they read it.....!!!

The question is:

What does Paradise mean for you?

Thanx anywayz!!!



Junior Member
Walaikum salam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

Jannah means having to meet Allah and see His face every day (twice a day for believers in the higher Jannah) and once a week for muslims in the lower level of Jannah. That is the greatest pleasure any human can ever achieve. May Allah grant all of us Jannat Al Firdous (the highest level of Pradise) Ameen.


Forever Student
Paradise means to me the place where the deeds of this world are corrected. For all the good deeds that seemed to be unnoticed and unappreciated in this world, it will all be made even again in paradise. It is also where there are no further worries and you are able to leave the worldly worries behind and live in a state of exstacy all the time.