What is Hamas?


Junior Member
Assalamoalikoem warahmatullahi wabaraktuh dear brother Marzuki,

I was talking about killing yourself and not about shaking hands of jews or palestines. Dear brother you have to understand me. What i want is first of all that the palestines stick to the Quraan and the sunna. It's not allowed for them to kill themselfes or eachother.

And i don't love to debate this issues.

Thank you

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

marzuki mohamed

Junior Member

bro imad,mabsoot,all,

apologize for my mistake/misunderstood of your statement my bro.

plus also for the capital letter that i used in my opinion.

sis harb,

thanks for the link!

life goes on..let's continue our journey....:muslim_child: :SMILY288:
