What Is Jihad??


Im Proud 2 B Me!
I found this on the internet and i dedicate it to Abdul Hasib because i know that he wants to be a mujahid. However, there are many definitions for jihad!!!

What Is Jihad?

When you walk down the street.....
and you see a single mother working hard to make
ends meet.
When you see a child getting bullied in school.....
yet he refrains from breaking any rule.
When you take a look at the war on terror.....
and you see all of the Iraqi soldiers.
When you look deep inside youself.....
and you put trust in Allah for your failing health.
You pray to him to heal you and you keep patience.....
you know that he will not let you down, to help you
he will show no hesitation.
When you struggle in life to attain the pleasure of your Lord.....
to be a good person and obey the messengers' word.
When you have little yet your eyes fill with tears and you
are thankful for all you do have......
this is what is known in Islam as jihad.


Junior Member
that is so true... the prophet (saw) said that the biggest Jihad is the Jihad where you fight your desires.. and you stop yourself from commiting sin. well anyways thanks for sharing.


Junior Member
Asalamualaikum wr wb, may Allah swt bless us unite us and guide us to the right path.jihad, jihad jihad, jihad for our self, our desires is the biggest jihad of the whole of mankind, jihad, not only for the goodness but of srength of mind. each and every one of us must try to jihad to fight our desires... .for goodness only comes fro ALLAH SWT and the bad from our weaknessess. a person who believes in Allah swt and the hereafter should know how important jihad is.our Quran speaks to all mankind on a generated basis without regard to race, tribe,color,social position,fiancial condition or genealogy.Quran, the book of guidance for all humanity for all times. and our sunnah nabi muhammad is our extraodinary example to hold on to and practice.its right to be contented with what we have, never with what we are.....jihad our desires.insyAllah we will have respect for. just give ones self boundlessly to Allah swt, in order to find ones self deeper and better. insyAllah. in surah al baqarah ayat 125; ''Therefore remember me , and i will remember you."IF YOU ask, ask Allah and if you seek help, seek help from Allah. we must know Allah is the creator of the universe there is no god for this universe, so why are we wasting our time.... not asking, seeking help from Allah.love for all hatered for none.ALLAH SWT is the guardian and disposer of all affairs,to ALLAH SWT BELONGS all that is in heaven and earth.to all do matters return.Allahuakbar Laailahailallah muhammadur rasulullah saw.