What is the roof of Islam?


New Member
We know that Islam stand on five pillars.
Allaah's Rasul(SM) explain Islam with the example of a house.It is the main important things for a house that is a foundation,then the priority is to pillars and the last important is the roof. Besides the less important or priority is the fence,door,bed,chair,table etc.
We know that Islam's foundation is the Tawheed or Sovereignty of almighty Allah.Then the five pillar is kalema, salah,zakah,Hajj & Saom.
But what is the roof of Islam?
Can anybody explain me?


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
We know that Islam stand on five pillars.
Allaah's Rasul(SM) explain Islam with the example of a house.It is the main important things for a house that is a foundation,then the priority is to pillars and the last important is the roof. Besides the less important or priority is the fence,door,bed,chair,table etc.
We know that Islam's foundation is the Tawheed or Sovereignty of almighty Allah.Then the five pillar is kalema, salah,zakah,Hajj & Saom.
But what is the roof of Islam?
Can anybody explain me?


.'Light' ..here means the knowledge of Truth with the help of which man comes to know his own realitv and that of the universe; this knowledge also shows him the purpose of his life, and thus leads him consciously, to adopt the Right Way.

He brings them out of the depths of darkness into the light.

(Ayyat Kursi)

if you will notice in surat Al Baqara....and many suras that it there is only ONE light but so many ignorance.( darkness )