What is their (arab) problem ?

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New Member

I work at a medical institution in the West. What I have noticed during many years here that many men (primary from middle east) come here to study or do research etc. They seem to be very tense with others (not arabs) muslims.

Very unfriendly ( they are not rude, just seem very isolated), and when show slight signs of friendliness it is seem fake or they need something and when they leave this instituation and go back, they disappear. No contact, like they don't know you. Only hypocrates act this way.


Some people just neet to relax and not think of self made-up sense of superiority.

If you're one of them, please for your own good, don' be! :astag:

Their attitudes are unislamic.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wa`alaykum us-salaam

Akhi, I don't see the point in this? If it is a problem you should kindly talk to your colleagues and try to break down the barriers. Ranting about it publicly while generalising a people won't help, and is more likely to stir arguments...


Staff member
wa alaykum salam

Have patience, be kind to them, SMILE.

Make excuses, maybe they far from home and missing their family.

-- Its also strange to complain so much about other people's behaviour and being rude, when doing the same.
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