What should I do ?


Junior Member
See I lost something very valuable to me its actually my ipod. I stored alot of songs in there and of course alot of surahs, which I listen to every day. Should I pray to Allah ask him to help me find it or should I just keep quiet and forget about it because Allah planned it like this.



Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum


Maybe you were just destined to loose your Ipod akhi.:shymuslima1:

Inshallah hope you find it.



Junior Member

well my money went missing and i really couldnt do much so i thought oh well if allah wills he will give me more inshallah,:muslim_child:

well some people out there they loose more valubles then us all we do is pray to allah and be grateful what we have, allah gives you more all you have to do is be patience :blackhijab:




Staff member

My view on this is that go on... MAKE DUA!!

Dua in itself is a form of worship. So make dua if it's important, if after making dua u don't find it, then it's Qadr.

However, if you don't find it, at least you gained something rather than nothing, and you should know that Allah knows best.
