Where should I invest my courses in?


Young Muslim
Salam brothers and sisters, I hope you are all in good faith and health.

I am in grade 9 high school living in the greater Toronto area ( I often just say Toronto ) I plan, inshallah, to become a medical doctor. Maybe a specialist in a certain category but that is too early to be discussed. The way it works in Ontario; to graduate I need 30 credits, 18 are compulsory, and 12 and elective. I need to pass the literacy test, and have 40 hours of community service. But that's not really what worries me. I talked to my guidance counselor and she suggest I take my courses in science and math but never told me in what specialization. Do I need chemistry, biology or physics? Does it depend what kind of doctor I want to be? Is it important that I take calculus? What kind of grades do I need. Based on my midterm marks and last year; my scores look like this.

Science -95
Math - 82
English - 91

My brother told me I need a much higher Math mark to even think about becoming a doctor. Is this the case? Personal opinions are needed, thanks.



New Member
Salam brothers and sisters, I hope you are all in good faith and health.

I am in grade 9 high school living in the greater Toronto area ( I often just say Toronto ) I plan, inshallah, to become a medical doctor. Maybe a specialist in a certain category but that is too early to be discussed. The way it works in Ontario; to graduate I need 30 credits, 18 are compulsory, and 12 and elective. I need to pass the literacy test, and have 40 hours of community service. But that's not really what worries me. I talked to my guidance counselor and she suggest I take my courses in science and math but never told me in what specialization. Do I need chemistry, biology or physics? Does it depend what kind of doctor I want to be? Is it important that I take calculus? What kind of grades do I need. Based on my midterm marks and last year; my scores look like this.

Science -95
Math - 82
English - 91

My brother told me I need a much higher Math mark to even think about becoming a doctor. Is this the case? Personal opinions are needed, thanks.


is doctor the only job in this world?


Slave of Allah (swt)
ahh i would tell you the ansswer but i dont think u are using the forum anymore

well in math high marks are not really needed, u only take one calculus/advance math course at university level thats all