Which book you are reading at the moment(:?


Pearl of Islaam

:salam2: dear brothers and sisters

Which book you are reading at the moment?? It would be very interersting to know Inhsallah.:)
Why you would recomend us that book?

Inshallah I will start first.:)

At the moment I am reading Quran Alhamdulillah and " Quran Phenomen" or on French "Le Phenomene Coraniqe" which is orginal name of the book,by author "Melek Ibn Nabi".

This book is very interesting and good to read Alahdmulillah as it is puting accent on importance of Quran,and giving great proofs that Quran is The Word of God. There are also many example and comparration with Bible which has been changed by a man,while Quran has stayed unchangable by all times SubhanAllah. It is also giving answers that Allahs Messanger Mohammed s.a.w.s is not the author of Holy Quran,but it is for sure the word of God,and many,many more examples.