Who am I?


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
Said the puppet to his master
Am I real or just a thought?
The master looked to his creation
No my son, you are much more.
Much, much more

What is my meaning?
Said the puppet to his master
As he tugged on his strings
Saying please let me go.
The master looked to his creation
No my son, I won’t let you go

The puppet, held by strings
Stared out to the world
How vast it was
And how wonderful it could be
Holding on to his strings
He looked away

Why can’t I go?
Said the puppet to his master
The master looked down to his son
Because I love you too much
To let you walk only to trip
And to love only to cry

The puppet sighed
Not knowing the wonders of the world
Only seeing from afar
Only dreaming from afar
And he looked out to the world
As though it was for the first time

That night as his master slept
The puppet cut his strings
And began to walk onward
Wide eyed and hopeful
Approaching the world for the first time
He began to cry

Never looking back towards his master
The puppet ran fast, towards the sun
Running as fast as he could imagine
As fast as his own feet would let him
And he ran until
There was nowhere else to run

Years past and the puppet
Loved and lost, cried and laughed
Lived and died
He lived the life that he never should
And each day the puppet still asked
Who am I?