Assalamu Aleikum! I ve got only few surahs which i found on Youtube. if anyone have more of him pls upload his voice is very beatifull MashaAllah..
they are two different young qaries the following links are the recitation of Ahmad saud
these links belong to qari hassan bin abdullah al-awad the boy who recite sorah yaseen HE is Hasan Al 'Awadh Bur'iyyah Son of Shaykh Abdullah Al'Awadh Bur'iyyah Imaam of Masjid Al Eemaan bi Aziziyyah in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia
and here is full 30th juz of Quran by abdulah al awad in parts here the link of first part
AwadhQuran Recitation by Hasan Bin Abdullah Al Awadh [ Amma Part-1]
:tti_sister:may ALLAH swt give all of us benifit from this and also forgive those who reached the second stage of exam and help us to prepare for second stage ameen brothers and sister still we have time to correct our mistakes so pray for all and be ready