Who hide their hunger and privation


Junior Member
Who hide their hunger and privation

(181) It is related by Abdullah bin Abbas (RZ) that the Apostle of Allah :saw: said: “Whoever is hungry or has any other special need and hides his hunger or need from others [i.e., does not solicit alms by disclosing his indigence to anyone], it is the responsibility of Allah, the All-powerful, to provide sustenance for him for a year through a lawful means.”

Commentary.-The phrase, “the responsibility of Allah”, occurring in the above Tradition means that the Lord, by His Grace, has made it His usual practice, and anyone who puts it to rest with an unflinching faith in His Promise and Beneficence will, Insha Allah, see it materialise with his own eyes.


In the literal sense, Zuhd means detachment from anything, while, in the Islamic usage, it means indifference to the joys and comforts of the world and withdrawal from a life of ease and plenty for the sake of the Hereafter. The Prophet has, both by word and by deed, exhorted his followers to practise Zuhd and pointed out numerous benefits in it, both of this world and the next.

Jazakallahu khayrun