Why don't you pray?


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah.

Jazaakallaahu khayran for the share brother. I listened to the whole thing while preparing iftaar yesterday.

A few things he said that were new to me. In track 10, I believe when he was mentioning the warnings he said that "wayl" in فَوَيْلٌ لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ "Fawaylun lil-musalleen", is talking about a valley in Hell. This is is something I've never heard before. In all the tafaaseer I've listened to, wayl is always translated as "woe".

And he talked about a hadeeth where on the day of qiyaamah, the people will ask the Angels that'll descend from the first heaven if Allaah is among them and the Angels will all answer "no" and they'll keep on asking until they get to the angels of the 7th heaven who'll come down carrying the throne of Allaah. I haven't heard of this description before as well. I thought that maybe it had to do with the 22nd ayah of surat Al-fajr... If you know of the hadeeth, do let me know.


Staff member
I have only listened to CD1 and a couple of the tracks for CD2.

I'm afraid I am unable to shed any further light on the two issues you mentioned. It sounded strange to me as well. Hopefully someone else can clarify. Possible some further information in the other Tafaseer books? I don't have the correct level of proficiency in Arabic to be sure but I kind of got this impression looking at a tafseer that it sounds like it is a valley for the people who failed to pray at the fixed times (or the munafiqun) although I hope someone can correct me if I am wrong. However please don't consider this a clarification as I am not qualified or able for anything like that. I am curious on this as well.


Praise be to Allah!
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah.

Jazaakallaahu khayran for the share brother. I listened to the whole thing while preparing iftaar yesterday.

A few things he said that were new to me. In track 10, I believe when he was mentioning the warnings he said that "wayl" in فَوَيْلٌ لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ "Fawaylun lil-musalleen", is talking about a valley in Hell. This is is something I've never heard before. In all the tafaaseer I've listened to, wayl is always translated as "woe".

And he talked about a hadeeth where on the day of qiyaamah, the people will ask the Angels that'll descend from the first heaven if Allaah is among them and the Angels will all answer "no" and they'll keep on asking until they get to the angels of the 7th heaven who'll come down carrying the throne of Allaah. I haven't heard of this description before as well. I thought that maybe it had to do with the 22nd ayah of surat Al-fajr... If you know of the hadeeth, do let me know.

According to al-Tabari: Wayl is a valley in hell-fire where the pus and discharge from the wounds of the people of hell-fire will be flowing and people will made to drink and eat from it.

This is the view taken by al-Tabari in his Tafsir of this ayah and from the contemporary scholars- shaykh Abu Bakr al-Jaza'iri adopted this view.

As for the hadith, I don't know about it.

Jazakumullahu khayra
Was-salamu `alaykum

The Quran say

Junior Member
Allah says:"And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah, offering him sincere devotion, being true (in faith), and to establish regular prayer, and to pay zakaat, and that is the religion right and straight" (al-Bayyinah 5).
Also: "Verily, the prayers are enjoined on the believers at stated times"(al-Nisaa: 103).

Jaabir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Between a man and polytheism (al-shirk) and disbelief (al-kufr) is the abandoning of the prayer". (Recorded by Muslim.)
As salaamu alaykum,

I thought I would further share this after it was shared with me. I think it is by Ahmad Jibril. May Allah make us among those who are consistent in their prayers. Ameen.
