Wife issues


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Junior Member
Brother try some other way , be wise , never insult your wife . Some women it is in their DNA to get weight after children . Lower your gaze for Allah then you will see the Bueaty in your wife otherwise you will never. She is taking care of your house and children , don't reward her with selfishness. I know you wish for something else but try to be satisfied with what is given to you. May be your way is insulting so your wife is getting mad and not responding this will destroy your house. Take care of your wife.
With regards


What is the function of a husband towards his wife? What does it mean husband to protect his wife? I am a bit confused. I am a convert since 2013 and when I got married this year, things changed since. Not a NO BUENO situations.


Junior Member
Assallamu alaikim wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
Dear sister you are most welcome :
I like to reminde myself and my brothers and sisters that Allah subhanahu wa taaala wants us to be kind , forgiving , polite , patient, caring ......... This kind of behavior we should practice to please Allah subhanahu wa taaala whether we are with family or outside. If we work to gain islamic manners many problems will be solved . Islamic manners are very clear in Quran and hadith. We should learn and practice otherwise our Islam is hollow.