wouldnt it BE KOOL!!

happy 2 b muslim

Junior Member
i was thinking that wouldnt be cool if we all meet up in a big dinner lol OBVIOUSLY the men will eat 3 hours before the women come so it will be 100% segration i was just thinking if we got the talking face to face :hijabi: OR MAYBE NOT it doesnt sound as good as it did when i was thinking it lool salam alaykum:hijabi: :SMILY346:


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
I really want go to England ,to meet all my sisters :)
Im really bored here :( I love TTI and everyone on here for the sake of Allah :)
yea the dinner sounds cool but toooooooo far to travel ....:) I'll just keep dreaming :)

waaleikum salam

happy 2 b muslim

Junior Member
LOOL i know thats why i said maybe NOT because reality Hit me,,, inshallah we all will meet IN JANNAH i pray to see you all there inshallah so dont loss hope we all will meet inshallah in jannah so in reality i was right that we will but not in this world IN NEXT salam alaykum