York University's Islamic State Apartheid Event!!


Junior Member

York Univeristy, Toronto, ON is host to an Islamic State Apartheid Feb. 4-8, 2008.

I urge you all to take a look here InshAllaah:


and PLEASE sign the petition if you agree with it-it literally takes 10 sec InshAllaah! The site pertaining to this event is mentioned on the petition web page posted above but I will not post it up separately. I think its important for everyone to know what they are signing, petitioning or fighting, but I am hesitant to post it and have too many people look at it or else the site's visitor ratings will go up. It's not that the site or this event is bashing Islam and Muslims like those really bad hate sites, etc, but they do approach issues in a certain manner by taking things out of context and without any explanations, etc, hence, spewing out hate and even more ignorance against Islam and Muslims...For example, its like saying "Person X drugged me and knocked off two of my teeth"... without giving proper context that it was a dentist visit and you had to have your wisdom teeth taken out or else they would hurt you. In any case, I will paste up just some of what they claim below. SubhanAllaah for the ignorance and may Allaah SubhanwaTaala unite us as Muslims, against those who oppress us while claiming to be the oppressed themselves, Ameen.



"Women in Islamic states are often discriminated against in many areas of everyday life. Such
discrimination is endorsed by the government rather than condoned and is in no way acceptable
according to the Geneva Convention. Not only are women considered secondary citizens with
different rights than men in many Islamic states, women are often victims of violence and brutality.

-In Iran, women's dress, work, socialising, familial and intimate relationships, reproduction and
sexuality are all subject to control, either by male family members or the state
(International Federation of Iranian Refugees-IFIR)

-In Syria, In March a young woman was reportedly forced to marry the man who had raped her and
thereby absolve him of any crime, in accordance with article 508 of the Penal Code
(Amnesty International)

-In Yemen, the law provides that the wife must obey the husband. She must live with him at the place
stipulated in the contract, consummate the marriage, and not leave the home without his consent
(U.S. Department of State- Country Reports on Human Rights Practices)

-In Saudi Arabia, male citizens have the freedom to travel within the country and abroad; however, the
Government restricted these rights for women based on its interpretation of Islamic Law. All women in
the country were prohibited from driving and were dependent upon males for any transportation.
Likewise, they must obtain written permission from a male relative or guardian before the authorities
allowed them to travel abroad
(U.S. Department of State-Country Reports on Human Rights Practices)

In Islamic Apartheid States other religions are often not recognized and are not offered full rights
as Muslims citizens. Non-Muslims face discrimination and are often punished for their “law breaking”.

- “He also announced punishments for 54 followers of the Bahai faith who were arrested early last
year in Shiraz, a city in southern Iran. He said three had received prison terms of four years on
charges of “propagating against the regime.” The other 51 received suspended prison terms and
were released on the condition that they take courses taught by the state-run Islamic Propaganda
Organization, Agence France-Presse reported.
“Iran’s theocracy does not recognize the legitimacy of Bahaism, which was founded in 19th century.
Members have complained of repression since the 1979 Islamic revolution.” (New York Times. Jan 30,

- Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world which imposes an official religion on the entire
population. All citizens of Saudi Arabia must be Muslim. Non-Muslims are allowed to enter Saudi
Arabia only if they are oil workers, or foreign diplomats. Otherwise it is almost impossible for a non-
Muslim to obtain a visa to enter Saudi Arabia.

- The Saudi Government website threatens non-Mulims with jail or deportation if they fail to respect
Muslim traditions, including Ramadan or drinking alcohol in public.

- Non-Muslims are not allowed to drive on certain roads or to be present in certain cities or areas in
which the government considers 'holy'.
A non-Muslim can be subject to death if he/she steps foot on what is considered a 'holy site'.

- Public and private practice of any non-Muslim religion is restricted. Non-Muslims can be arrested,
lashed, or deported for any religious activity that attracts the attention of the government.

- The wearing of non-Muslim religious symbols is restricted.

- The printing, possession, importing, or distribution of any non-Muslim religious material is banned.

- In April of 2000 Prince Turki ibn Muhammad Saud Al-Kabir, the assistant undersecretary for political
affairs in the Foreign Ministry, announced at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva that the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will form two human rights bodies, one independent and the other under the
government. These bodies will investigate allegations of torture, monitor the implementation of human
rights codes, and acquaint the public to the concept of human rights."

-site mentioned in petition blurb at:
